hightor wrote:How will these subsidies be funded?
Taxes on the rich.
hightor wrote:The MAGAsaurus certainly isn't going to raise taxes.
I don't agree with Republicans on all issues.
Incidentally I'm neutral on Singapore. I raise the subject because it's not true that the Republicans have no plan, not because I'm in favor of changing to the Singapore model.
Neutral doesn't mean that I'm against the Singapore model either though.
hightor wrote:The subsidies for the ACA are another cruel joke if you happen to make enough to stand on the other side of the "cliff" and get nothing.
I know. I get no subsidies myself. I have ample first hand experience paying for full price plans.
hightor wrote:If Democrats win big they should address this.
Music to my ears. That is something that I would be very happy to see happen.
Hopefully they will do that if they win, instead of trying to violate the Second Amendment for no reason.
I've had to resort to off-marketplace* silver plans over the last few years because the Republicans' war on Obamacare has raised gold plan premiums to more than $1,000 a month. I'm not very enthusiastic about having a $2,000+ deductible and would love for gold plans to become affordable again.
Off marketplace because of the "silver switch" thing.
hightor wrote:What role will there be for private insurance companies?
They provide catastrophic coverage.
hightor wrote:How will they be compensated for the pre-existing conditions requirement, an obvious risk for them?
The obvious solution to me is to make coverage mandatory for everyone, with stiff fines for noncompliance. I realize that some people say that this is unconstitutional.
I don't think the people who say that mandatory coverage is unconstitutional understand that they are paving the way for a single payer system if they get their way.