Third world country like... the U.S.?
We are behind in education, manufacturing, skilled labor (our best laborers are immigrants),
We are ahead in random school shootings by white radical republicans, we are ahead in white men who got stinking rich off the backs of hard working Americans, we are also ahead in slave labor, right to work, citizens and immigrants that our corporations exploit for less than a living wage, we are even ahead in corporations who pay taxes to every country but out own, we are ahead in high prescription drug prices, high college tuitions and illiterate white racist republican evangelicals who think God has chosen them to rule the world.
We are ahead in pollution, litter in the sea, greenhouse gas, carbon, methane emissions, frequent oil spills, fracking our lands to death, coronavirus death, and we are ahead in corrupt criminal republican lawmakers who obstruct progress for pay.
This is what 50 years of, make America great, republican rule has led us to, a ****-hole country, the laughing stock of the world with a bumbling idiot racist fool traitor of a president sitting in the highest office of the land.
What third world country do you live in?
The trickle down effect of a country that has so much but because of shady corrupt republican greed, still has so pitifully little.
We live in a country of marauding corporate pirates who corrupt our government, ravage from town to town and carry of their ill begotten wealth back to their offshore ships so they use it to slowly corrupt the world with their racist slave trader mentality. Is this the shining city on a hill you speak of?