That is one way to reward a woman for going through the arduous effort of bearing life is dump her with the children.
The rational of some selfish men, if I can't own you, I will disown you.
And many years later these men refer to them as, "their children" while simply screwing someone does not a father make. Their real father may not have had the sexual experience (he didn't have the joy of screwing someone to make them) but rather sacrificed the many years of supporting them financially, picking them up from cheering practice and making sure they got on the bus every morning for school. Washing their laundry until they are old enough to do it themselves...
Selfish, lazy men think that raising children is woman's work.
And they wonder why their children grow up to be a, "chip of the old block"...
These kinds of deadbeat fathers bring shame upon their children. Luckily there are real men around to become role models and break the cycle by providing a good example for some children to carry with them later in life when these same decisions are made whether to be a user or a giver.
Some men think sex is love, they are superficial, shallow and perhaps their children are better off not having them around to remind them of how worthless their biological father really is.
The real clincher is when these deadbeat fathers they get old, they expect their children, whom they abandoned, to wait on them hand and foot...
..And a brief visit to the doctor can get a worthless dirt-bag toad like this out of your life forever... It is a women's sacred right to make such a choice.