Quote:Not to mention that time Obama was impeached and refused to allow people to testify, or that time he installed his family as members of the executive, or constantly travelled and used his own hotel complex to bilk tax payers.
Your waddaboutism falls hopelessly flat.
How does it feel to be endlessly defending a criminal narcissist?
Once again, what the left calls waddaboutism, it's actually spelled whataboutism... is actually hyprocricy by normal people.
Nothing you said gives Obama the veil of "transparency", he was the least transparent president in modern day history and he was enabled by the MSM, who loved him and covered for him.
I'm wondering how the hearings went and what Holder had to say about the Fast and Furious scandal... that's right, he didn't testify, he was protected by Obama Executive Privledge, even though Obama said he never talked to Holder about the gun running program. There was also Lois Lerner who did testify but claimed the 5th for just about every question. Real transparent administration we had there for 8 years.
I'm not defending a criminal narcissist, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the left .