It was definitely creepy for me! I've never seen the "nose" scene right through, just have to turn away in horror!

As for John Huston in Chinatown: Creepy in a very different way to the red-hooded woman in Don't Look Now: His intentions were so totally clear & so frightfully shocking to observe. A marvelous portrayal of evil from Huston!
The fact that Huston's corruption was "condoned" by a very corrupt society made the film even more sinister, I agree. And made Nicholson's character all the more poignant, for his basic decency & powerlessness to do the right thing in the circumstances. Helpless in the face of shocking abuse of power by a very perverse old man, who clearly felt that he had the right to do ANYTHING he desired to get what he wanted. Now if that's not goose bump stuff, what is? (Shudder, shudder!)