The Hunching Back of Notre Dame -
Crawfish; Catch 22 - Jimmy Joe Heller.
Tales of Heather's Stockings , Volume One, The Last of the Sequins.
Sorry, I strayed from the redneck part of the assignment.
Harry Potter and the Chamber Pot of Secrets
Tales Bout the Retards and Idiots - Ed "Tex" Poe
The Guns of Augusta, Georgia by Babs Tuckman
@Lustig Andrei,
Last of the Mohicans of Russia.
The Call of the Wild Turkey - Johnny "Reb" London
The Five People You Meet In Nascar Heaven.
Bobby "One Eye" Fischer Teaches Meth by Bobby "One Eye" Fischer
Th' Dadburn Real Good Gatsby - F. S. Fitzgerald
To Kill a Mockingbird fer Supper - H. Lee
The Deerslayer by Beau N. Errol
The Lard of the Onion Rings - J. R. R. "Junior" Tolkien
All Quiet on the Western Front Porch - Erich Remarque
To Kill a Gol-Darn Mockingbird
and it's soon to be released sequel:
Mock Yeah Ing Yeah Bird Yeah Yeah Yeah
A Hoss called Hoss and
Return of a Hoss Called Hoss - Dottie Jackson
The lil gal with the drag racing tattoo, Stieg Tater Salad Larsson