Analyzing this entire thread, I'd like to say the following:
JLNobody, your vision of void as potential reminds me of the multiverse some scients speak of, which should somehow be 'proof' (or be complimentary, as can buddhism always be appended) to buddhism. The well known Participatory anthropic Principle.
What do you all mean by 'brain'? The human brain? Surely the ape has the same potentials. And other animals can observe (if an observant is needed, as stated in some comments and theories such as quantum mechanics). The significance of consciousness as perhaps being no more than tropism has already been brought up but apparently swiftly replaced by another discussion. As you said, a rock does not seem to be 'aware' therefor consciousness does not seem to be a requirement for things to exist. Rocks existed before we did. Of course, I have it backwards. I just don't know how else to have it
Time is natures way of making sure everything doesn't happen at once.(yes, quantum physics is a tricky thing

I just can't phantom time as being non-existent. Without us, it would still be. As would matter. I have the distinct feeling i'm missing something vital here.
As for the 'why' being wisdom and 'how' being knowledge (that's how I define 'em). I think the people who don't agree with JLNobody should think of why as a bigger why, the bigger picture. As in, why is the answer the answer and not something else? The answer to that question imo stays the same, but the perspective on it changes. (eg.After having attained enlightenment. Like they say, before: The mountains are mountains and the water is just water. After: The mountains are mountains once again and the water is water once more). I know it seems wrong to be using a buddhist train of thought but I do not think it is less valid or out of place. To quote Alfred North Whitehead- 'Christianity ... has always been a religion seeking a metaphysic, in contrast to Buddhism which is a metaphysic generating a religion.'
Tiaha said: you can understand something without knowing it.
I understand how the telephone works, even though I ahve no way of KNOWING if it exists or not.
BoGoWo replied: one who 'uses' a technological appliance, without understanding how it functions, is losing the essence of its utilization.
My reply: Perhaps, but it remains to be and be used.
Quote: Meaning that which is observed has no autonomy, is observer dependent, and is an emergent property, not of other emergent properties but of that which observes.
Stuh505 replied: The purpose of language is to communicate ideas succinctly but you seem to take pleasure in contorting your meaning in as many ways possible, so that most (I am sure) people who read them cannot make sense of them...why do you do this, so that people don't argue with what you say, simply because they don't know what you're talking about? Please, please...try to talk in a more understandable fashion.
It seems to translate to this: "an object is a property which is dependent on the perceiver and which has not always existed", which still makes no sense to me.
My reply: The latter seems to be the common misconception of quantum physics, nevertheless, I don't get the original message either. Nor do I fully understand quantum physics. But as Niels Bohr said, even if I could, my head should at least be getting dizzy.
Stuh505: Nobody here hates anything. Well, I'm pretty sure we all try not to anyway. It would lessen us. Just like posting our thoughts (deep as they may be) in your utterly blunt way lessens the quality of the post. To bottomline it is one thing, to be honest is a good things. But your approach on the matter could have been more...humble. I do hope you will continue to reply on the matter whenever 'BS' is said and I'm sure you'll come up with descent counter-arguments if you want to.
Nevertheless, it feel 'wrong' to say things do not exist if we do not perceive them (tree falling in the woods <-> uncertainty principle as seen by most here and not by Stuh505 -with good reason-). But the point of this thread and others like it is to clarify this matter. Notwithstanding, I also agree with BoGoWo's point of view of JLN's sensitivity on the matter.
I stopped following from chemoreceptors on 
"Why is it that the word "occult" bothers you people so much when you lean so much to the metaphysical perspective? ".
Alikimir, maybe it's better if you don't resort to using 'you people'
. As for occult, that's because of it's witchcraftlike connotation. At least in my language, however, I admit I see no such connection in the english language. It's surprisingly congruous on the matter.
But enough of my opinion, let's get back to the content.
It saddens me to disagree with what I understand.
Vice versa.
Sidenote: And I, in no way, understand holism. Not even as a concept.
This concludes my appeal to shed some basic light on things for the laymen reading your advanced babbling

I humbly lay my confusion in your capable hands.