twyvel wrote:stuh505
stuh505 wrote:
twyvel, that all seems to be just a matter of symmantics...who cares about the word definitions of "subject" "object" and "perspective"...they are only words. what is the meat?
That could be said about any articulation. All we have is words here. So your comment is a coup out, dismissive, though not for the reasons sited.
no, i mean that you are merely arguing over the definition of words, and there is no substance to the argument beyond grammar.
Quote:Nondualism: The universe and you are not two, nondual.
this does not correspond to what I've read:
Mahatma Ghandi wrote: [nondualism] means that light and shade, long and short, black and white, can only be experienced in relation to each other; light is not independent of shade, nor black of white. There are no opposites, only relationships.
Summary: everything is relative
Ghandis definition is a logical understandable description, and if this is what nondualism is, then it is not un-scientific.
Bede Griffiths (1997) wrote:Advaita (nonduality) does not mean "one" in the sense of eliminating all differences. The differences are present in the one in a mysterious way. They are not separated anymore, and yet they are there.
Summary: differences exist but nondualists ignore them
There is no logical reason to pretend as though differences do not exist when they do. Even if everything is connected, part of a whole, and made of the same material...there are still differences. This definition shares nothing in common with Ghandi's.
Justin Stone:T'ai Chi Chih and Non-Duality wrote:
"Advaita" in Sanskrit means "Non-Duality." This is a difficult concept for most people as we look about us and see multiple objects. But what we see are only transformations not permanent forms, whether we are speaking of a chair, a tree, or a human being. Each exists provisionally, but is certainly not lasting. One day the tree may become the chair and the human body will be eaten by worms. The "I" that observes all this may disappear and become another "I".
Summary: matter and energy change forms
Everyone agrees with this. Science agrees that matter changes forms. No big deal. The only controversy here is the last line where he says the "I" may become another "I", because this has no distinct interpretation. This definition also has nothing in common with the previous two.
Lama Yeshe wrote:When you contemplate your own consciousness with intense awareness, leaving aside all thoughts of good and bad, you are automatically led to the experience of non-duality. How is this possible? Think of it like this: the clean clear blue sky is like consciousness, while the smoke and pollution pumped into the sky are like the unnatural, artificial concepts manufactured by ego-grasping ignorance. Now, even though we say the pollutants are contaminating the atmosphere, the sky itself never really becomes contaminated by the pollution. The sky and the pollution each retain their own characteristic nature. In other words, on a fundamental level the sky remains unaffected no matter how much toxic energy enters it. The proof of this is that when conditions change, the sky can become clear once again. In the same way, no matter how many problems maybe created by artificial ego concepts, they never affect the clean clear nature of our consciousness itself. From the relative point of view, our consciousness remains pure because its clear nature never becomes mixed with the nature of confusion.
Summary: on a basic level, nothing changes...just gets rearranged. also there are differences between everything
What a surprise, another completely independent relationship sharing no correspondance to the others...this one in fact contradicts Bede Griffith's.
Georg Feuerstein wrote:The manifold universe is, in truth, a Single Reality. There is only one Great Being, which the sages call Brahman, in which all the countless forms of existence reside. That Great Being is utter Consciousness, and It is the very Essence, or Self (Atman) of all beings
Summary: everything in the universe is part of one consciousness
Well, looking over the definitions of nondualism from famous seems obvious that this word nonduality doesn't really mean anything, everyone just makes up their own definitions for it...and since the purpose of language is to communicate and not have people guessing as to their meaning, I respectfully ask that everyone refrain from using this term in future posts because we will never know which definition you refer to.