Craven wrote:Nah, just 170.
That's more than I pay for two autos in the nation's capital of high risk driving, Houston. (OK, maybe L.A. is worse, but that is a terribly high amount of money for coverage on your car.)
Craven wrote:I was always legal if I understand it correctly
I can only for your sake hope you are right. I wouldn't want to test that, though.
The reason your policeman was laughing so hard is because he has probably never seen or heard of your circumstance either.
I'm not joking when I say you need to buy a lottery ticket, or ask out the hottest woman you can think of, or something with similarly ridiculously long odds, either.
But the most important thing you need to do is drive like a 90-year old grandmother until your Progressive policy activates.
Seriously. Slump down in the seat, peer over the wheel, hands in the 10 and 2 position, foot just barely on the bottom of the accelerator, riding the brake when it's not...