Serious question, I've always wondered how South park gets away with the things they do? Like they take the mick out of celebrities but surely that's like copyright? Do they sign a contract or something? They also take the mick out of disabled people and the racism is high, Ive even seen one episode taking the mick out of cancer!!!!! How on earth do they get away with this? I tried googling but I haven't found any helpful information?
Smoke and mirrors. and some high priced lawyers. And they've been profitable. Verrry profitable. And that goes a long way.
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 05:30 pm
Easy. Taking the mick is satire and they're protected by the first amendment. The only the line they have to fear is inciting hate acts - and they are always careful not to - in fact they manage to take the piss out of the hateful things they say - a bit in the Colbert vein.
I know that Trey Prker apologized for any attacks they made at Tom Cruise and other Scientologists because Parker amitted to being a minion of the Dark Lord XENU.
Ya hdda see "Tom Cruise Trapped in the Closet"
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 08:27 pm
Exactly. As long as it's clearly satire, it's protected.
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 08:39 pm
There's a semi-similar thing going on now - where a councilman Kirby Delauter is threatening a newspaper with legal action if they use his name without permission. Which is pretty freakin' funny. Massively clueless. The paper's hilarious editorial riposte is well worth a read:
An artful dodge. Ain't gonna work, but why not try to give them a hard way to go?
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Wed 7 Jan, 2015 03:31 am
The world of South Park is fictional, people are being mocked but in a fictional setting. If Kanye West took sued them because they said he was a gay fish, he would be laughed out of court. Similarly Elton John has not taken legal action against Viz magazine, because the situations they put him in are completely ludicrous.
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Lustig Andrei
Wed 7 Jan, 2015 01:19 pm
I'm still trying to figure out what "take the mick out" means. Is that a Britishism?