NickFun wrote:Hey General Tsao and Fb! The countries we are attacking were not responsible for 9/11! The Afghan people were not the terrorists. Neither were the Iraqis. On the contrary, even Saddam didn't like al Qeda. The countries most trained in terrorism are Saudia Arabia and Jordan - but they are our "allies"! Most of the terrorists from 9/11 were Saudi!
The mastermind of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, was hiding in Afghanistan, and protected by the Taliban regime.
Of course it's logical for GWB to run on Reagan's shadow.
Even if I loathed Reagan, I gotta agree that he was popular and much liked by a majority of his countrymen.
GWB lacks charisma. He'll borrow, or grab, anything that ressembles it.
"Reagan/Bush", was a twice-winning ticket. It's a word association that works in the current president's favor.
Reagan's death was almost timely, electionwise (maybe a couple of months too early).
The more special treatment the former president receives (somebody posted something about Mt Rushmore!
), the more difficult it will become for the democrats to critisize some of Bush's right wing stances (that the incumbent can praise as "reaganite").
Now, if Jimmy Carter died, the comparison would mean disaster for the Democrats? Would it not?
Just askin' (and prayin' for good Jimmy's health)