Quote:My priority is not getting killed to prove some stupid point.

I love statements that aren't backed by facts and have no basis in reality.
Sony cancels 'The Interview' as US links hack to North Korea
Bowing to pressure from hackers who threatened theatergoers with a terrorist attack, Sony halts release of the comedy focused on North Korea as the US says it has evidence North Korea was behind the attack.
Earlier this week hacking group, which uses the name Guardians of the Peace issued threats against movie-goers and cinemas and invoked the memory of the September 11, 2001 terrorist atrocities.
etc. Has not been in the news?
As far as making a fuss, I'm addressing the fact that anyone can make such a big deal over cancelling a movie.
Yeah, I get it, you really like movies. A lot of people really like movies. There's a lot of movies I like.
Is it the end of the world that this movie isn't being released?
Its a movie....that's all it is. It's not a cure for cancer or even a remedy for the common cold. It's a movie.
So these 2 people are very funny people. Yeah, and? Situations come up that pervent any of us from getting what we "deserve". That's life.
And what exactly (not that I'm one) is wrong with being a hermit, if that's what a person chooses to be?
Am I supposed to be upset/insulted by your calling me a hermit, or immoral, unethical? This is like a 3rd grade school tactique.
I didn't say there's anything wrong with enjoying movies, or whatever else someone has a passion for.
It's a matter of putting it in perspective, and weighing if someone making threats agains movie houses and movie goers is worth risking someones safety.
You can watch it when it goes to view on demand, or hulu or netflix.