Sun 6 Jun, 2004 05:23 am
Lately I got some probs with my stomach.
Since I'm not too much into taking drugs and pills to take care of any tiny pane you have now and then I was wondering whether there are some "normal" things you can take to fight that ugly feeling in your stomach.
I'm thinking about some special teas or fruits and stuff like that - you know those things your grandma would give you.
Thanks a lot for any advice.
peppermint tea.
But - maybe get checked by your doctor?
Oh thanks I'm gonna give it a try.
I don't think I need a checkup by my doc...that problem just occurs when thehamster had way too many drinks - and since I'm in my graduation from highschool season I am having some drinks lately.
To recap I don't think it's a serious thing.
Ah - then have vitamin B - especially B1.
I think a visit to an MD would be a good route for you to take. In the meantime, I'd try to avoid excessive amounts of acidic foods and drinks.
Gee you guys are taking this one thanks a lot for caring so much for the hamster
Well to calm you guys down, I'm gonna go and see a doc if it doesn't get better - and when I'm gonna go and have some regular checkup I'll let the doc know about this prob if it still persists in a mild form.
A little observation and experimentation would be helpful. Just observe what you eat or drink and the effect it has on you. If you suspect an offending food or drink, stop injesting in and see if the problem ceases. I've had to eliminate a lot of foods from my diet to avoid problems with kidney stones and a problem with my colon, and I did it by observation and bad results. I know that if I drink a quart of milk today, tomorror I'll get a kidney stone.
Now going to a doctor is one answer, if you can afford it, which I can't. But often with colon or kidney stone problems, he'll give you a long list of possible offending foods, and it's up to you to do the work of narrowing down the list.
Many animals do the same thing, more or less. Everytime a bird eats a new food, say an insect it's never eaten before, it waits a little while to see the effects. If it gets sick and throws it up, it will never eat that food again, whether the new food is the actual offender or not.
Remove wheat from your diet. It sounds like you have a food alergy to wheat products or gluten intollerance.
go to the health food section of your supermarket and get wheat free products. After a week you may notice a considerable difference in the way you feel.
If that doesn't work, try a week without dairy products. be vigilant.
Hamster, you may also try chamomille tea and aloe vera juice (it's now sold as a drink), very soothing for my stomach. I've had GERD most of my life, but now for some reason I havn't identified it has virtually disappeared. When it comes, I drink aloe vera and that seems to do it. I DID have a gastroenterologist check me out, however. I had a small ulcer but not Barret's syndrome which is dangerous and often accompanies GERD. You may have an ulcer (if you have pain or nausea) or just a weak valve permiting stomach acids to back up into the esophagous. We can't tell because you haven't really described your discomfort. DO see a G.I. specialist.
cold beverages, especially with ice, are not good for your stomach. they cause heartburn.
radishes are great for heartburn. i've been eating them for years instead of rolaids.
hamster, maybe you could give some indication of your diet so we can get a better idea of what may be causing it.
Gala, how do you eat the radishes, raw and sliced?
jl, i just wash them and eat them whole.
i alway have one or two before going to bed. if i wake up in the middle of the night, i'll pop one then. it settles my stomach and helps me sleep.
i learned from chinese medicine, that whenever asians eat a meal that has oil in it, they balance it with radishes, or daikon.
and, i learned this pst year that there are actually some homeopathic medicines that use radishes for sleep.
it beats takng pills.
Yes, radishes and daikon, a mild radish really (I love daikon), are both great. I have pretty bad acid reflux which does require medication, but if it's not a serious problem, you should do fine with a change in diet, and it might go away completely once you aren't drinking as much. If it persists for say, more than 2 weeks or so on a regular basis, you may want to get it checked out by a doctor and a homeopath. Otherwise, it will probably disappear once you are back on a normal diet.
Thanks, Gala. I'll try it. Like Edgar I greatly appreciate natural remedies. This includes a diet (and meditative practices) that maximizes the effectiveness of one's immune system, undoubtedly the most powerful medical system available to us.