I don't understand this thread.
Hey, look, it's my favorite thread ever! Hi, thread! Did you miss me? Of course you did. I'm neat.
If at first you don't succeed cheat.
At each of the 21 gates in the house of Osiris,the female guardian deity is characterised in detail,while the corresponding male god is only mentioned by name.These characterisations offer a unique description of all the manifestations of the Great Goddess in her terrible aspect.
Now all chant after me, this is a demonstration:
PRA-li-nék TOR-tak SÜ-te-MÉN-yek!
PRA-li-nék TOR-tak SÜ-te-MÉN-yek!
PRA-li-nék TOR-tak SÜ-te-MÉN-yek!
PRA-li-nék TOR-tak SÜ-te-MÉN-yek!
PRA-li-nék TOR-tak SÜ-te-MÉN-yek!
Hang on-I'll have to shave all my body hair off first.
Can You Love Your Neighbor If You Hate Yourself?
Two curious phenomena dapple Christian life in America today. The first is our tendency to criticize more than compliment. Listen in on conversations in coffee shops, living rooms, and churches. Pay attention to the pundits and the newsmakers. We tend not only to begrudge the value of others but to appear downright sad when a person is praised. Many hypercritical Christians quickly deny the presence of any value anywhere and overemphasize the dark and ugly aspects of a person, situation, or institution at the expense of their noble and valuable facets. They delight in exposing the flaws and imperfections of others and glory in the absence of goodness.