the bars on the insane asylums are not to keep the inmates 'in'; they are to keep the rest of the world 'out'!
[but i know a way 'in'! :wink: ]
being 'needed' is a form of flattery; caring is 'being'.
I care, all right. I care for too many people; but I should like a break on my own for a while!
If we see ourselves in a way that reflects what others think, then we survive on others' approval to continue the image, after we, who generated the image, have gone.
yes but we 'are' others!
[the human race is a 'mirror' in which we see ourselves.]
If we, from birth, see ourselves through others' eyes, which we are forced to do, then in seeing through others' eyes, we are transient and are others...
in life, the 'image' is the object; the concrete, ephemeral.
Would you say that, at death, we have become the by-product of thousands of people, being, as we are, passed through ideas and memories as coins are?
with luck we have changed the 'flavour' of the ocean!
[for the better!]
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Would you say that, at death, we have become the by-product of thousands of people, being, as we are, passed through ideas and memories as coins are?
I would suggest that this idea might be the only true form of 'immortality', but since you're already dead, there's not much point pondering it while alive, is there?
if i prick myself, do i not bleed?
That's what I think, Cav... (apart from not needing to ponder.)
Ha, ha! keep time: how sour sweet music is,
When time is broke and no proportion kept!
So is it in the music of men's lives.
And here have I the daintiness of ear
To cheque time broke in a disorder'd string;
But for the concord of my state and time
Had not an ear to hear my true time broke.
I wasted time, and now doth time waste me;
if one pays attention, it is impossible to 'waste time'!
[if one drifts, suddenly, without warning, time has won!]
I never waste time, except in sleeping, which is essential. I find it impossible to do nothing. But nothing is a subjective thing, I suppose.
Time for another Borges quote! This one comes from the story "From Someone to No One":
"Schopenhauer has written that history is an interminable and perplexed dream on the part of generations of humans; in the dream there are recurring forms; perhaps there are nothing but forms; one of them is the process described on this page."
(O, Smog; I'm nearly finished it ;D.)
And I am dumb to tell the crooked flower that I am bent by the same self-destroyer.
As soon as I came, I must leave again. I, for some reason, actually agreed to go
out for dinner tonight....
Exit stage left...
One more example:
"this ******* sections ******* of ******* [this forum] ******* needs ******* to ******* become ******* more ******* active. "
I believe that that's a quote from 'Pamela' or one of those horrid 19th century Mills and Boons. (This category does not include Jane Austen, for reasons of my own.)
'Dearest Pamela, how is your bonnet thisday?'
-- 'This **** sections **** of **** **** needs to **** become **** more **** active.'
'Excuse me?'
'I said fine, dear, gallantly fine.'