I have only posted in 99 threads on this site. And, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, but I'll be back for some word game fun soon enough, hopefully.
Everyone make sure to check out Google.com today. It's a kick.
'Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno'
]Tvůj líčit is tichý dále má stěna , dále má stěna
Člen určitý barevný ar blýskavý , blýskavý ačkoliv jakkoli
Červeň is silný a konzervativní is cudný
Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno
Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno
Komický , aby ne oprávněný
A ioprávněný , aby ne ne komický
Čas ale jděte
Celek of člen určitý chvíle ,
JÁ tichý uváit co tebe
Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno
Tvůj líčit is tichý dále má stěna , dále má stěna
JÁ uváit co tebe často , často
JÁ nebude jednat nedůstojně celek člen určitý majetek
Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno
Nějaký majetek konečně jeden běh ivota
Nějaký majetek konečně hezky dávno
Nějaký majetek konečně jeden běh ivota...
Yeah, you try saying that again, buster.
Some crazy bastard wants to hit me
He's waving me over so he can hit me
And who the hell is he?
I can't believe this is happening
That crazy bastard wants to hit me
Waking at dawn was always a difficult thing for Timothy. He saw the wheaty morning blast through his windows fecklessly, and he had piles.
(Hey dròm! How are you today?)
(Tired and cold. I have stuff to do today, but I'm feeling really lazy. Perhaps I'll go lie down on the couch for a little bit.... Yes... That sounds like a good idea.)
(Besides, the USA-Lithuania basketball game is on.)
(OK. I do hope that I see you soon.)
There 10 kinds of people in this world.
Those who understand binary and those who don't.
The white chicken are dangerous people indeed.
Where the bee sucks, there suck I
"Wherever they looked, something momentous was happening.... But, having acquired a taste for solitude, each of them spent days separate and alone.... Funny how we think of romance as always involving two, when the romance of solitude can be ever so much more delicious and intense. Alone, the world offers itself freely to us. To be unmasked, it has no choice."
N'Ir nêdefensàt 'û nottêm bonàt.
Vjelastra ifernaj 'û terminastra:
Luç, luç contrû la luta's moristra.
Buqüe sapajîm sap' oskûrastra vertam
Püiqüe çî's motîm ne tê lusa, çî
N'Ir nêdefensàt 'û nottêm bonàt.
Bonîm, qüantu çî vêga, proklam sô lusàt
Qüe actîm çi's dansamja ü verdara,
Luç, luç contrû la luta's moristra.
Nêtamîm qüe çânt, câpt solas vagrat
E sap, trô tartat, La tristem ü pasant,
N'Ir nêdefensàt 'û nottêm bonàt.
Gravîm, çû mortem, vê ku vîta sjerat
Uî sjerat posja infernam metjorat, z'olim
Luç, luç contrû la luta's moristra.
E Tô, jô's patra, û altara tristat,
Jôt kurs, beniça ku aqüî tô's, plê.
N'Ir nêdefensàt 'û nottêm bonàt.
Luç, luç contrû la luta, moristràt.
I forgot to include handball and water polo in the list of summer Olympic sports that I enjoy watching.
Did you watch the Marathon to-day? For some reason, I ended up seeing that and the table tennis...