Don't drink six beers at once? Brilliant!
Matriculation in the 2093 intake.
A PhD in the science of fingernailing. Now that makes perfect sense. Serfect pense.
A word is a word is a word is a wrod is a wrdo is a dwor is a drow
Unusually, Cliff melted.
Now all in all, that doeth maketh senth.
who's got the keys to the jeep
- vreeemmmm ...
vreeemmmm? vrooommmm, nyou nimh nomh.
Insurance sucks beep beep beep sucks Insurance
What am I doing?
WHAT am i doing?
what AM i doing?
what am I doing?
what am i DOing?
what am i doING?
what am i DOING???
Orchestra is an anagram of Carthorse
The classroom is an anagram of Schoolmaster
Yeah, whatcha doin Devriesj?
The wolf is my guiding spirit.
After my husband's memorial service last Saturday three things were given to me by the mourners. 1) a brown envelope containing a £50 note (rather a rare commodity) 2) a bigger brown envelope containing a CD of Chinese music and 3) a CD of the Tord Gustavsen Trio playing jazz.
I have no idea who gave me any of them. Anyone out there having a clue, please msg me.
A rumpled sheet
Of brown paper
About the length
And apparent bulk
Of a man was
Rolling with the
Wind slowly over
And over in
The street as
A car drove down
Upon it and
Crushed it to
The ground. Unlike
A man it rose
Again rolling
With the wind over
And over to be as
It was before.
I don't know!
i DON"T know!
i don't KNOW!
i don't know...
and you will know you are here for the first time
Fa la-la la-la, la-la, la--la!