Ub tge vegubbubg was tge wird.
(oh my!)
I was talking to a friend the other day about movies. Have you seen 'Oh, Brother Where Art Thou'? Did you know it's the story of Homer - Odysseus' 'The Odyssey'?! I'll have to watch it again!
Jesus loves you a bit too much.
I ate a whole ostrich and now I'm not feeling chirpy. Where's the logic in that?!
Ostriches don't chirp. And the oft-cited behavior of sticking their heads in the ground is really a misinterpretation: they are really pecking out internet chat-board posts on their laptops, which (because an ostrich does no have a lap) is laying open in the grass.
devriesj wrote:Scooby - dooby - doo

! I love the dramatic pauses in between each word

Frisch weht der Wind
der Heimat zu:
mein Scooby Doo.
wo weilest du?
Oooh I can skate, and I can cod, but I just can't pike my bags... what is a girl to do?
Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up {with} wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31
You only have one finger left, and it's pointing at the door.
I knew a man, Bojangles. He would dance for you, the old soft shoe...
(Crap what, Patio?)
It is a social necessity, that a person have someone to look better than.
Mr. Dog to you,
In the loo
With your painted do