@Frank Apisa,
I cannot help but wonder why that is so difficult for people to acknowledge that, IF they behave every single day of their lives exactly as if they believed their lives were real... then it is perhaps because deep down, they actually BELIEVE so, just like anybody else does.
Irrespective of what they PRETEND to believe or not. Irrespective of what Al Fresco calls their "social dancing", which is pure pretense. What they say is irrelevant. It's what they DO that matters.
And oddly enough, those guy who wonder whether stuff still exist when you don't look at them, they still do the dishes and carry away the garbage like you and I, and when they lose their keys, they do look for them rather than assuming their keys decided to stop existing once they had a chance... And they probably mumble things like: "They MUST be somewhere, they CAN'T have disappeared..." like we all do when we look for our keys.
They rationalise their schizophrenia by saying: "in day-to-day life, I go by common sense, but not when I philosophise..." Apparently these guys have more than one life, and philosophy is neatly confined to their OTHER lives, the one they don't live day by day.
They see philosophy in the boudoir, as an idle game. God forbid that it be called upon to help us live our day-to-day lives. That segment is for Oprah I guess.
In other words, they are fake.