Yes, I do apologize for focusing on your raising of the "yes" pole of the argument. This is based on former conversations with you indicating you are a "scientific realist". I agree with Olivier's point to you about Kant, which together with Heisenberg's remarks about "never observing nature directly" seem to leave "scientific realism" out in the philosophical backyard. That is why I favor the pragmatism of Rorty (et al) which dismisses the "reality debate" as futile.
BTW. I never
rely on "appeals to authority". I often quote thinkers I feel illustrate my ideas by providing the context essential for their interpretation. Such semantic referencing is
mandatory in the humanities (in which I include philosophy), and I find objections to it tend to be a form of simplistic posturing by people who are ignorant of the literature. (This of course is not directed to you personally).