Shush, don't tell the French.
septembri wrote:Opinions are of an entirely different class than facts.
It is a fact that Germany has a 10% Unemployment Rate.
It is a fact that France had an Unemployment Rate of 9.6% in November.
And..????? The President of the USA should do exactly what about this? Refuse to aknowledge any nation with unemployment over a given rate? Get angry with them? Bomb the crap out of them? Or, most importantly of all, REFUSE TO SHOW THEM THE COWS!!!!
No, Mr. Stillwater. The President of the United States should not do anything about the Unemployment rates in France and Germany other than press for economic policies which will benefit the wholeworld.
My citation of the Unemployment rates of France and Germany was purposeful. I gave facts to show that although some who live outside the USA may have reason to criticize and complain about US policies, there are problems in European countries which suggest that perhaps Europeans should devote their energies to solving their problems at home.
If one uses the standard( a quite important one, it is clear) of Unemployment statistics when comparing countries' economies, it becomes evident that the USA is doing quite well.
If one uses the standard( a quite important one, it is clear) of GDP per person when comparing countries' economies, it become evident that the USA is doing quite well.
Does this mean that dialogue is to cease?
Of course not, but it does mean, in my opinion, that there must be some acquiesence to the fact that the USA is doing very well in the Economic area as measured against the other countries of the world.
The hamster points out( and quite rightly) that all people have committed errors. The Germans with Hitler and our forefathers with the massacre of many Indians.
This is another proof that we do not live in a Utopia.
However, As Winston Churchill has said:
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
I'm amazed that there hasn't been a flood of liberal posters appaluding George Bush. Isn't this what they have been demanding all along? Didn't they all howl that punishing France for its opposition to the Iraq War was wrongheaded?
Poor W can't win for losing.
He extends the olive branch to Old Europe and the libs all fixate on a comment about seeing cows.
What is Kerry going to haughtily argue now?
"If I were president we would not have had a period of tension between our countries before we moved back to prior levels of diplomatic relations!"
That's sure to grab the moderate middle.
septembri wrote:I gave facts to show that although some who live outside the USA may have reason to criticize and complain about US policies, there are problems in European countries which suggest that perhaps Europeans should devote their energies to solving their problems at home.
Turn "USA" and "US" in "Iraq" and "Iraqi", "European countries" in "America" and "Europeans" in "Americans" and you would still think the world should go back to isolationism (the policy you seem to plead for)? :wink:
Isolationism is not the answer, but an adherance to truth is.
There is nothing isolationist about demanding that the countries of Europe( many of them who lean toward the Socialistic model) admit that the Economic System used in the USA is a good one.
That is why a comparision of Unemployment rates---facts--as opposed to empty Socialist hot air--- is crucial.
There is nothing isolationist about pointing out that the French Unions policies about a thirty-five hour week for their members will help cripple an economy.
Thomas Friedman, in his important book- "The Lexus and the Olive Tree" clearly points out that the Economy is now global; that we cannot return to old protectionist habits; that outsourcing of some kind is inevitable and, perhaps most important, that successful economies, which, as he explains, are all involved in the world markets, mustbe transparent and provide clear information.
Those in countries like Germany and France who denigrate the Economic System in the USA and its relative lack of Socialist handcuffs, are being completely irrational.
There is a reason why the USA has one of the highest GDP's per person in the world.
Some of "old Europe" would do well to attempt to reform and imitate our system rather than senselessly critique it.