Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Sat 27 Dec, 2014 06:13 pm
Further - there is nothing to identify them as muslim, nor (as an obvious extension) to even remotely indicate it was inspired by Islam. It just identifies them as immigrants, possibly Somali. From just what is written - it's a misleading & inflammatory headline.

What other thing would inspire entitlement besides the superiority Islam preaches. Many of these crimes are done because of excuses and virtually no punishment, not to mention deportation. Europeans have made themselves very vulnerable.

And even if this sensationalized story is not inspired by Islamic doctrines, what changes the number that are? The message that Islam is incompatible with freedom, and violent, hateful, and no regard for human life is what is important.

Sat 27 Dec, 2014 07:23 pm
What other thing would inspire entitlement besides the superiority Islam preaches.
Many, many things. Have you not noticed the sense of entitlement that has ballooned in the West in the last 15 years or so? Have you not noticed how the West feels superior to the rest of the world?
Many of these crimes are done because of excuses and virtually no punishment, not to mention deportation. Europeans have made themselves very vulnerable.
True. And this could apply to any immigrant prone to violence / coming from a violent country.
And even if this sensationalized story is not inspired by Islamic doctrines, what changes the number that are?
It doesn't, but posting things that are misleading diminishes the credibility of the poster...and when that poster is challenging others dearly held beliefs...some of those others will jump on this sort of post as:
- 'he has an ulterior motive; and/or
- he is so clearly prejudiced; and/or
- he is an out & out deceiver...etc.
...and having jumped on that 'badness' of yours - then feel righteous while ignoring everything else you have to say, no matter how valid. Even intelligent people do this, on this forum included.

Ie. when fighting peoples ingrained prejudices, you cannot give them things that allows them (in their minds) to ignore your valid points.
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Sun 28 Dec, 2014 10:06 pm
We’re facing the greatest national security threat we have ever known and there is no coherent plan to battle the enemy. This nation is so far behind the eight ball, the president and his minions won’t even name the enemy, no less fight it.

Name = Islam

Even worse, those in positions of power and influence misrepresent what the enemy stands for. Like a pre-recorded announcement that just won’t stop, we are endlessly subjected to the false refrain: Islam is a religion of peace. By Muslim lights, we live in the Dar al Harb, the territory of war, simply because we refuse to accept Islam. We didn’t declare war, Mohammed did.

And when it comes to the threat of Islamic supremacism, it’s not only the left that’s putting us at risk. The right is hardly better, as both parties serve up a boatload of ignorance, complicity, and cowardice on a daily basis. Our elected officials draft legislation, set foreign policy, speak at podiums, sit on panels, write press releases, pen op-eds, and yack away on talk shows about the wonders of Islam. If anyone challenges what they’re peddling, the peddlers get rather hot under the collar. As for the truth-tellers, they are mocked, marginalized, and vilified.

And what a truth it is, as we confront a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination ruled by one religion — an ideology that is infecting every aspect of our culture and which has the potential to destroy all of civilization.
Brown goes on with her prescription and from my point of view, this is Brown’s most important step:

Stop immigration from Islamic countries: As seen throughout Europe, it doesn’t take a lot of Muslims to wreak havoc on a nation. To help ensure we don’t wind up like Europe, we must halt all immigration from Islamic countries. The risks are simply too high. No nation has an obligation to allow immigration from any and all countries. And in the case of immigration from Islamic countries, it is impossible to fully vet Muslim immigrants for the following reasons: (1) We cannot know who has an agenda to impose Sharia law (and stats show most support it). (2) We need to recognize that increasing numbers of Muslims who seem like regular folks are morphing into jihadists. (3) We must understand the role that taqiyya (sanctioned deception) plays in any vetting process. Islam is not compatible with Western values. It is not compatible with Judeo/Christian values. It is not compatible with liberty and freedom. It’s illogical to import people from cultures where some, many, or most individuals hate America and want to destroy everything we stand for. (When considering this issue, one should also keep in mind the 3 stages of jihad.)

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Mon 29 Dec, 2014 12:53 am
Just another indication of Govt fear of Islamic Terrorism.

Full Story http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/theroyalfamily/11314981/Royal-Guards-withdrawn-behind-metal-gates-at-London-palaces.html

Royal Guards withdrawn behind metal gates at London palaces

Royal Guards have been withdrawn from their traditional posts outside the country’s palaces amid fears Islamist fanatics plan to target them.

The instantly recognisable Queen’s Guards have been moved from their sentry boxes in front of the various royal premises and now stand guard behind locked gates or fences.

The decision was taken by Buckingham Palace and the police amid fears that Isil-inspired lone wolf attackers see them as a high-profile target.

Although the ceremonial guards are carrying weapons fitted with a bayonet, the guns are not loaded.

Armed police already provide additional security for the soldiers following the murder of a soldier on ceremonial duty at Canada's national war memorial in a suspected terror attack in October.
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Mon 29 Dec, 2014 01:14 am
My advice to ordinary European people, particularly Northern Europeans in or near places with muslim populations: Arm yourselves. The ONLY reason that Americans get fucked with so much less than you do is the thing about the American people being armed.
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 01:21 am
I mean, Vladimir Putin is a good guy and will be happy to sell you whatever you need, tell him I sent you.

Mon 29 Dec, 2014 03:30 am
Actually, Chechnya says otherwise - re your point about being armed. And the Russians are much more ruthless than the Americans will ever be.

Threat of Islamic terrorism

Islamic terrorism is considered a major threat to the security of the nation[9] with most terrorist activity taking place in Chechnya and Dagestan. Since October 2007, the Caucasus Emirate has withdrawn its nationalist goals of creating a sovereign state in Chechnya. It has since fully adopted the Islamic fundamentalist ideology of Salafist-takfiri jihadism [10] whose enemies not only include Russia and its citizens, but all non-Muslims, including the local Sufi population, and foreign countries such as the United States, France, United Kingdom, and Israel.[citation needed]

They have made numerous references in their speeches that they have declared war on "anyone who wages war against Muslims." The Russian government has banned seventeen terrorist organizations; the Highest Military Majlisul Shura of the United Forces of the Mujahedeen of the Caucasus, the Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Daghestan, Al Qaeda, Asbat an-Ansar, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Al-Jamaa al-Islami, Jamaat-e-Islami, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Taliban, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Society of Social Reforms (Jamiat al-Islah al-Ijtimai), Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage (Jamiat Ihya at-Turaz al-Islami), al-Haramain Foundation, Junj ash-Sham (Army of the Great Syria), and the Islamic Jihad - jamaat of the mujahedeen.[11]

Many Muslims and human rights activists have criticized the government's counter-terrorism operations, saying they unfairly target Muslims.[12]

ISIS also disagrees with your assesment, as do any other number of Militant Islamist organisations, suicide bombers, lone wolves, and the 9-11 perps, boston bomber etc.
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Mon 29 Dec, 2014 03:38 am
In Europe we don't listen to mentally subnormal inbred chimps who spout hate. That's why we have affordable housing and Universal Health Care.

We need to keep **** like you out of here, if only for the sake of our livestock.
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 04:30 am
Immigrants should show some gratitude and respect to the host country. Those who commit acts of violence should be deported back to the country they came from. (By the way, notice I'm referring to individuals, not groups.) The authorities of the host countries need to get tough with these young punks!

Now I expect to be thumbed down by members who lack the courage to address me. I shall just consider the source and wear my zero or negative number as a badge of honor.

I'm not even a conservative, folks. I'm just sick and tired of violent thugs who have no right to enjoy the blessings afforded by the host country.
0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 10:26 am
The other Russian company Northern Europeans should know about is Molot:


The "Vepr" rifle which Molot produces is a bit more expensive than an ordinary AK or Saiga rifle but is stronger and higher quality throughout and comes in several different calibers; medium-heavy hammer-forged barrel, barrel and receiver chrome-lined, RPK style receiver i.e. stamped but very strong, Kalashnikov action and minute-of-angle accurate.

When the **** hits the fan in several European countries, and I'd have to assume it WILL hit the fan at this point just based on what I read, your ruling classes and zombie libtards like "izzythePOOP" here will not be there to protect you, they'll be kicking it at some resort island, hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

The main arms market within relatively easy reach of Northern Europe which can supply all of your needs with good quality stuff at good prices is Russia and with the present Wall-Street/London/Saudi assault on the Russian currency, prices now should be at all-time lows.
0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 10:28 am
In Europe we don't listen to mentally subnormal inbred chimps who spout hate.

That's right, POOP, you don't listen to them, you import them in wholesale lots to serve as kept voting blocks for your leftwing ruling parties so that you won't have to worry about the voting habits of the ordinary people in your countries.
0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:03 am
In Europe we don't listen to mentally subnormal inbred chimps who spout hate

No, you support them as they drain the welfare monies from European countries, including yours. You are a coward and dumbass, the total package.
Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings

Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:13 am
if only for the sake of our livestock.

Your Muslims compare women to domestic animals. Animals with universal health care and affordable housing.
0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:29 am
Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings

Notice that this is not a racial thing, i.e. that inbreeding doesn't work any better for ordinary white Europeans than it does for slammites or anybody else, as a simple Google search on "Spanish Hapsburgs" amply documents.

The koran and I-slam itself preach inbreeding like it's a good idea and in slammite societies which are basically hostile to women to begin with, it may serve the purpose of protecting women to some extent since men might be less apt to beat and abuse their own cousins and sisters and what not than they would a wife or concubine from some other tribe or the next village. You read that something like 50% of all slammites are inbred and that in places like Gaza or Pakistan, it rises to 70% or more.
0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:33 am
Married Pakistani cousins run greater risk of birth defects

No kidding?
More than half of British Pakistani births in Bradford between 2007-11 were to parents who are blood relatives, with 37 per cent first cousin unions, research has found. Birth involving such close relations doubles the risk of congenital defects.

The Born in Bradford study, looking at almost 11,400 babies, found that closely-related parents pose the greatest risk factor for congenital anomalies, including heart and lung defects, and additional fingers and toes.

0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:36 am
The ruling Hapsburg family of Spain bred amongst themselves for a long period of time and, beyond some point, every single one of them, men and women alike, began to look like the Frankenstein monster:







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Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:50 am
UK: Queen’s Guard Forced To Retreat Over Threats From Islamic Terrorists…

Islamists threatening the Queens guard, from their affordable housing.

0 Replies
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 01:23 pm

Is this the sort of person who contributes to a civil society? Rolling Eyes
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 01:31 pm
Ever notice how much many of those fools look alike??
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 01:48 pm
Extremist movements stress mindless conformity among their members. Independent thinking is discouraged.

At least that's my opinion. Smile

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