@cicerone imposter,
Quote:What goes on and on is the violence perpetrated by Americans against Americans. If yoy understand simple math, you'll understand some basic truths. However, I:-['m sure you'll remain ignorant.
We've had similar conversations
so many times before CI...
and I've acknowledged each and every one of them (there is no reason not to - they are fact).
Your fanciful perception that I am ignorant of such things is just that - a fanciful perception of yours that makes it easier for you to justify to yourself your position of apologising for evil in the name of Islam.
This fanciful tactic of yours brings up issues you should ask yourself:
A. Why do you feel the need to keep saying (for example) 'you are ignoring the evils of christianity" (on just Christianity alone - is it 6 or so times now?) when each time I've acknowledge the your example?
B. How do evils, 600-1000 years (your examples of crusades, inquisition) in the past, justify current day evil in the name of Islam?
C. How does the evil of one religion (your comparison use of Christianity), justify the evil of another religion (the subject, Islam)?
D. What do you find wrong with judging a thing/system (in this case, violence in the name of Islam) on it's own merits?
You must find something wrong with B-D - for no matter how many times I've stated each underlying principle, you ignore them and keep posting comparisons like the "Historical Christian Evil" (which occurred) comparisons.
Unfortunately CI (and I say unfortunately because I've seen many decent, thoughtful, and intelligent posts from you) in this area, you have blinded yourself to your own apologising for evil (done in the name of Islam). Your own self deception (blinding yourself) is why your behaviour is so erratic (believing I'm ignoring things I've acknowledged over and over to you again, each time claiming I'm ignoring them), and why you can't find fault with principles inherent in B-D...but keep ignoring such principles anyway.
Founding my beliefs in time tested principles is why:
- My
behaviour stays constant
- I can post so many facts, and current events, that back up my perception
- I can acknowledge legitimate points of yours
- I can say 'I'm happy to change my mind if you can show me how I'm wrong'
- I can say 'so long as you educated on the subject & have an open - I'm happy for you to arrive at a different conclusion to me
The contrast in
behaviour is between self-deceptive & self-testing, unable to be wrong & able to be wrong, emotionally founded beliefs & principle founded beliefs.