@cicerone imposter,
Haven't we already been over this? I'm fairly certain you've seen me acknowledge the evils of the Inquisition & the Crusades, and Christianity's contribution to that.
And I'm fairly sure You've seen me say (A) "We can discuss that in a thread on Christianity if you like', and (B) 'each religion can be treated, and judged, on it's own merits'. I think we'd find ourselves in agreement on most examples you'd raise on Christianity, so I don't think it'd be a long thread.
That you can neither bring yourself to do (A) nor (B), nor find a problem wrong with (c) treating things that contain differences on their own merits - <the sound principle which gives rise to (A) & (B)>... says much.
Only biased people need fear judging a thing (containing differences) on it's own merits.