And while we're at it, the OT advises you that if "thine eye offend thee, pluck it out," as well as prescribing death for adultery (death of the woman only), for homosexuality, and even for unruly children. In the NT, Hey-Zeus reputedly blasted a fig tree for having no figs when he was hungry, despite his companions pointing out that figs were not in season. This is followed by a torturous and completely unbelievable homily which attempts to suggest that Hey-Zeus was simply teaching a lesson. On another occassion, apparently on a whim, Hey-Zeus, having driven a devil out of someone (

, oh please !) then directs it into a herd of swine, with apparent disregard for the livelihood of the swineherd and his family. This incident is made even more preposterous by the contention that the swine then precipitated themselves into Lake Tiberius. These were the Gaderene swine, and Gaderes was about 30 miles from Lake Tiberius--but we are expected to believe that the maddened swine ran thirty miles to drown themselves.
I've never known of a religion, including Zoarastrianism and Buddhism, which did not, within the first generation, begin the process of larding the accounts of the founder with preposterous tales of miracles and special, supernatural powers. In the case of Islam, it is important to remember that Mohammed was very likely illiterate, so we cannot say that he wrote anything, nor rely completely upon the contention that these are the exact recordings of what he said. Additionally, in the case of Islam, there are the
haddith, the alleged sayings and actions of the Prophet and the Companions, to muddy the waters.