Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Did you write that as a way to provide forgiveness for elements of the US government murdering roughly 3,000 of its own on 9/11 and millions since, ci?

Why are Americans totally unable to face reality?

Answer these questions, ci. How did alleged hijackers get access to proprietary US government nanothermite and how did they plant it in WTCs 1, 2 & 7?
0 Replies
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:41 pm
This isn't the issue, vikorr.
Uh, it is the issue - we were discussing what you believed my motivation to be. How is it possible to have a sensible conversation when you cannot even follow your own thread of conversation?

Why can't you address these things?
The relevant things that need to be addressed, I did. Apparently, you simply keep overlooking such. So another thing that makes it almost impossible to have a sensible conversation with you.

not to mention that you have not attempted to provide any US "evidence".
You have already decided that you will not believe any US evidence, have you not?

You have actually only provided one piece of possible evidence - that of nano-thermite. You could include particlised steel, but you say that's because of nanothemite. The other 'evidence' you have, results in questions and possibilities, not facts. A conclusion must follow a logical order from start to finish. You start with 'evidence' and end with a conclusion, missing the middle part - how the starting evidence achieves / gets to the end result. It's why I say my issue is with the application (the middle part - how it's achieved). For example: Nano thermite does ##. To bring down the WTC, you need:
- %% number of specialists
- all motivated by QQ to commit mass murder
- obtaining XX kg of Nanothermite, from @@, where ** number of people are (likely) complicit
- transported via ^^
- placed at A,B,C,D (and so on) points
- which points require access by *#>
- and detonations by 1,2,3
...and that is a hugely simplified version

You can replicate that general sequence for implosives, and other theories.

It's why your logic remains continually flawed. It's why we can't have a sensible conversation. It's why I say my issue is not with the science, nor with the end result, but the application. If you cant explain the application, the rest is guess work.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
As I mentioned, I doubt camlok lives in a Western country - his beliefs about how westerners think, and what motivates them to do what they do, seem rather ignorant...not too dissimilar to how the west perceives motivations of people in the middle east.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:49 pm
As I mentioned, I doubt camlok lives in a Western country

You've been wrong about everything, vikorr.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:53 pm
Uh huh. Well, as I said, I doubt. Certainly you've shown nothing to say you are familiar with how westerners think. You dream up nefarious desire to mass murder their own people, all for some nebulous 'to blame muslims'
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 04:08 pm
You have already decided that you will not believe any US evidence, have you not?

I don't know where you got that silly notion. I have stated many times that there is no evidence for the USGOCT. If I had decided that why would I ask you REPEATEDLY to provide any?

You have actually only provided one piece of possible evidence - that of nano-thermite. You could include particlised steel, but you say that's because of nanothemite.

Totally false, vikorr.

But nanothermite sinks the USGOCT. It had no legal or legitimate reason to be there. Its presence, by itself, means that the entire US story is bogus.

What is particlised[sic] steel?

There was molten and vaporized steel. That too sinks the USGOCT because the nanothermite is the only thing that can explain it.

Let me spell this out for you.

1. Alleged hijackers had no possibility of melting or vaporizing WTC structural steel. Correct?

2. There was nanothermite and the by products of thermitic reactions found in abundance in WTC dust. Correct?

3. There is/was no other explosive that could have legitimately and legally been at WTC on 9/11. Correct?


You are back to "motivations", which you cling to as if it has any importance. We could discuss those things forever but that is useless, totally futile, which is what you want so you can avoid the myriad factual impossibilities of the USGOCT, so you can avoid the science which illustrate the impossibility of the USGOCT.

1. When people responsible for the study of a crime lie repeatedly, any sensible person knows that there is something seriously wrong with the investigation. Correct?

2. Have you seen the video of the molten steel flowing out of WTC2 just before it collapsed?
0 Replies
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 04:17 pm
Uh huh. Well, as I said, I doubt.

You were wrong. You had no logical reason to think that so why did you include it?

Certainly you've shown nothing to say you are familiar with how westerners think. You dream up nefarious desire to mass murder their own people, all for some nebulous 'to blame muslims'

I have dreamt up nothing. It's you that bring up these highly dubious ideas.

What planet have you been on? The blame was heaped right away on OBL and his Muslim "hijackers", and Afghanistan. Then onto Iraq, seemingly a secular state but it really isn't/wasn't.

Stick to the facts and the science. Both say that there were no hijackers. Who does that leave, vikorr? Who owns and solely possesses the nanothermite? What else could have melted the steel? Why were there huge volumes of the by products of thermitic reactions?

The Muslim "hijackers" weren't responsible because there weren't any Muslim "hijackers".
cicerone imposter
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 04:19 pm
What claims did camlok make about nuclear weapons. I worked with nukes in the USAF/SAC (Strategic Air Command) so I know some things about them. I'm sure they have made many improvements over the past 60 years or so. I was amazed at the improvements made on nukes during the four years I was in the Air Force. When I first went in, we had to man handle the uranium capsules by hand. After a couple of years, we didn't need to handle them by hand. We loaded nukes on B36's, B47's and B52's. I'm really amazed at the fact that the Air Force is still flying those B52's.
The one great thing that came out of my four years in the Air Force was being stationed in Morocco for one year which provided the opportunity to visit Madrid, Paris, and London. I fell in love with world travel, and have visited over 80 countries since then.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 04:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What claims did camlok make about nuclear weapons.

You can read, can you not, ci? NONE.

I don't think that you have the necessary capabilities to enter this discussion.

Head to a travel agency website.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 09:50 pm
What planet have you been on? The blame was heaped right away on OBL and his Muslim "hijackers", and Afghanistan. Then onto Iraq,
They specifically targeted Al Qeida. They specifically steered away from Islam. You know this. For Afghanistan - Invading Afghanistan is a common sense approach of a govt that actually believes the Al Qeida brought down the twin towers. Unnecessary, stupid, but understandable. In order for you to answer the 'what motivation' you need a great deal more:
- why did the people who allegedly want to commit mass murder so their country can invade Afghanistan (ie. what's in it for them, what drove them to do it)
- Why do the alledged conspirators (who are people) want to blame Muslims? There is little history of this in Western countries...some tension yes, but no mass blame.
- what does it actually achieve for them? Invasion is not an end in itself. What do the people who committed mass murder of their own citizens get out of it?

These questions may not make sense to people who come from countries where mass murder is commonly used against the population by other members of the population for political or religious reasons...they very much make sense in countries where that has never, or almost never been the case.

It certainly reinforces the likelihood you come from a Middle Eastern country - your inability to comprehend this.

The ongoing sense of 'criticism of any part of Islam = criticism of all muslims', something many who believe in Umma, experience, means you are likely Muslim. Again, nothing wrong with that - it makes your objections understandable. It doesn't excuse the lack of critical thinking, but it would make more sense as to why you abandon critical thinking - to protect your beliefs.

Prior to 9-11"To blame Muslims' is not a motivation that would fly, with just about anyone bar those with mental health issues (who then wouldn't have the rational ability to carry it out without drawing attention to themselves), mental impairment (who then wouldn't have the capacity to carry it out), or extreme radicalisation (and for this last, even then, they would have to go beyond abandoning logic, into the realm of delusion). This last would still require some 'rationale' that they bought into, en masse. There isn't a rationale that makes sense to the Western mind.


For the rest, all I see is someone who can't answer how his dearly held conspiracy theory would be carried out, the practical execution of a plan, so that it would bring down the twin towers.

I mentioned it is the basis on which we disagree...and all you can come up with is 'I can't provide explanation of the nuts and bolts of how it would have been carried out, but it must be'?
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I missed the Nuclear weapons claims.

That said, I'm beginning to think there isn't just a lack of critical thinking, but delusions as well. When pushed, much of his reasoning falls into mantra, and others have become so far removed from critical thought process (and he doesn't appear to understand that such is a process) that it starts to feel like delusions.

I would like to have the opportunity to do more world travel. Unfortunately my budget limits me somewhat in that regard.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 08:42 am
You have been dissembling, lying, making false and erroneous assumptions from the get go, vikorr. You make delusional claims. you avoid reality like it's the plague. You have been nothing but dishonest, avoiding all the total impossibilities.

You have not provided one piece of evidence for the USGOCT. Your position is totally vacuous. Yet still you go on with your total dishonesty.

Why can't you provide any evidence? Why do you avoid the evidence against the USGOCT and act so dishonestly?
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 08:43 am
I missed the Nuclear weapons claims.

You lie again.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 09:22 am
At long last Shariah law comes to Britain.

Mon 27 Aug, 2018 09:29 am
At long last Shariah law comes to Britain.

Your government has observed Sharia for quite a while. Remember the Nazis that run your country have a lot in common with Islam.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 09:35 am

In Rom we trust.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 09:41 am
In Rom we trust.

Being an apologist is not funny. How do you think the 6,000 under age girls raped feel about Muslims(Islam)? I do not expect an answer, I do expect this post to be reported, but not removed.
cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:22 am
How do you know 6,000 under age girls are raped?
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:22 am
Being an apologist is not funny.

Stunning hypocrisy, coldjoint, because that is exactly what you are, big time, for the most evil of people to ever walk the planet.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:29 am
@cicerone imposter,
Coldjoint doesn't, ci. He is a propagandist for evil, like you.



From 2009-2013, Child Protective Services agencies substantiated, or found strong evidence to indicate that, 63,000 children a year were victims of sexual abuse.


Out of the yearly 63,000 sexual abuse cases substatiated, or found strong evidence, by Child Protective Services (CPS),6 the perpetrator was most often the parent:1
80% of perpetrators were a parent
6% were other relatives
5% were "other" (from siblings to strangers)
4% were unmarried partners of a parent
Out of the sexual abuse cases reported to CPS in 2013, 47,000 men and 5,000 women were the alleged perpetrators.6
In 88% of the sexual abuse claims that CPS substantiates or finds supporting evidence of, the perpetrator is male. In 9% of cases they are female, and 3% are unknown.6

And here's a US group, Trump like supporters, who are trying to stop the protection of children. But who really knows. There are millions of Democratic supporters for US planned genocides against babies, children and their parents so with that kind of support for that level of evil, who knows .


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