Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:46 am
I guess Muslim countries were missing from your statistics. I wonder why?
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:51 am
@cicerone imposter,
I guess Muslim countries were missing from your statistics.

Those statistics would show the millions of Muslims killed by Muslims. Violence is Islam's go to idea for almost any problem.
cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:01 am
Those statistics would show the millions of Muslims killed by Muslims. Violence is Islam's go to idea for almost any problem.

That's your interpretation. Show us evidence.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:14 am
@cicerone imposter,
That's your interpretation. Show us evidence.

Start reading.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:15 am
South Africa religions: Religions: Protestant 36.6% (Zionist Christian 11.1%, Pentecostal/Charismatic 8.2%, Methodist 6.8%, Dutch Reformed 6.7%, Anglican 3.8%), Catholic 7.1%, Muslim 1.5%, other Christian 36%, other 2.3%, unspecified 1.4%, none 15.1% (2001 est.)

0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:17 am
@cicerone imposter,
I guess Muslim countries were missing from your statistics. I wonder why?

I'll tell you why, ci.

I am clearly making the point that the USA and its citizens, like you right now and always, are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. You [the pural you] hide your evil, which is by far the greatest evil on the planet, has been for at least the last 3/4 of a century, thru an elaborate propaganda system.

I am willing to look at statistics, science, facts for anything, for anyone, for any country. The point is, y'all are not the least bit interested in doing that for your long history of evil doing even though it is so clear, so abundantly documented, so out there.

Here you are again, trying to make excuses for a country that has since the 1990s been responsible for numerous illegal invasions, genocide after genocide, the deaths of millions, the destruction of hundreds of millions of lives.

Do you want to now put in a big whine about how life is so tough for y'all?

cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:23 am
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population. Their crime rates isn't anything close to your impressions.

In Malaysia, if Najib wins the 2018 election with help from hard-liners, he could further polarize Malaysian society and politics. Ethnic and religious minorities could continue Malaysia’s serious talent and capital drain; minorities have been leaving for Singapore, Australia, and other countries. In both states, if the rise of hard-liners endangers political stability, it could threaten strategic ties with the United States. Malaysia is an important ally in the regional anti-Islamic State battle, while both countries are major regional trading partners with the United States.

The hard liners are destroying their democracy with many talented people leaving the country. They're in a lose-lose situation, and everybody in their country will be losers even though they may win the politics.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 11:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population. Their crime rates isn't anything close to your impressions.

I don't mean to be unkind, ci, but you are terribly confused. I have never said a thing about Indonesia crime except to discuss the US planned, funded, supported Indonesian genocide of the mid 1960s that saw the US State Department draw up death lists and provide them to US funded and trained death squads, checking off on their lists those slaughtered.

Some one million Indonesians died, then the US helped do the same in East Timor to the tune of a 1/4 million.

All the while enjoying coffee, cake and tea with their British, Australian helpers.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 12:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Indonesia became a consolidated democracy in the 2000s, after holding multiple free and fair elections and peacefully transferring power via the ballot box.

From your own source, ci. The US has been in Indonesia since it helped to overthrow the government of Sukarno in the 1960s. The US/UK's butcher of Indonesia, Suharto, stayed in power until 1998. So much for the USA being a country that seeks to advance freedom.

The US only advances freedom from life for those tens of millions it has always slaughtered or helped other to slaughter.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 02:35 pm
You said, "millions of Muslims killed by Muslims." The fact is Israel is guilty of killing more Muslims. Fact no. 1: Since the establishment of the State of Israel a merciless genocide is being perpetrated against Muslims and/or Arabs. Fact no. 2: The conflict in the Middle East, between Israel and the Arabs as a whole and against the Palestinians in particular, is regarded as the central conflict in the world today. Fact no. 3: According to polls carried out in the European Union, Israel holds first place as “Danger to world peace”. In Holland, for instance, 74% of the population holds this view. Not Iran. Not North Korea. Israel. Connecting between these findings creates one of the biggest deceptions of modern times: Israel is regarded as the country responsible for every calamity, misfortune and hardship. It is a danger to world peace, not just to the Arab or Muslim world.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 02:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You said, "millions of Muslims killed by Muslims." The fact is Israel is guilty of killing more Muslims.

All with USA aid and assistance. But regardless, why are you finger pointing? Is it to turn eyes away from the US's 3000 murdered in NYC, the millions in Iraq, the millions in Afghanistan, the millions in Korea, the ... in ... ?

Yes, let's stop Israel from joining with the US to terrorize and murder around the globe.
cicerone imposter
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 03:01 pm
All with USA aid and assistance.
So? Just because you give someone a gun, their use of it is their choice. It doesn't make the giver a criminal unless the giver knows what the recipient is going to use it for.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 03:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Work on your punctuation and your badly skewed thinking and judgment.
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Mon 27 Aug, 2018 03:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
So? Just because you give someone a gun, their use of it is their choice. It doesn't make the giver a criminal unless the giver knows what the recipient is going to use it for.

The US always knows what the folks they give guns to are going to do. Most often it is the US directing the slaughters, the rapes, the baby killers, the genocides, the saturation bombings, the deep deep deep evils.

I see you edited your post.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 03:19 pm
You have been dissembling, lying, making false and erroneous assumptions from the get go, vikorr. You make delusional claims.
rofl. What I have been doing is asking questions - specifically the steps people would need to take / how people would bring down the twin towers using your theory. And why. These are questions you obviously can't answer. And apparently don't want anyone to ask you. Hence the descent into ranting.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:06 pm
rofl. What I have been doing is asking questions -

A total crock, vikorr.

specifically the steps people would need to take / how people would bring down the twin towers using your theory.

The information I have provided is neither MINE or a theory. Your crazy beliefs, and those of the millions of other blind individuals who deny reality, who deny science, who deny the facts are meant only to distract and move the discussion away from reality, science and the facts.

You have shown yourself to be woefully ignorant of science and building science. I have tried to keep it simple for you.

The positions I have described to you, the total impossibilities for the USGOCT, the molten/vaporized steel, free fall of WTC7, symmetrical collapses of the twin towers, the bald faced lies of the principal governments investigators, US proprietary nanothermite, the by products of the nanothermite being used for the controlled demolitions of the 3 towers, ... should be enough except for the most blind, brainwashed people alive.

And why. These are questions you obviously can't answer. And apparently don't want anyone to ask you. Hence the descent into ranting.

These "questions" you have asked are not sensible questions at all. Turn them around and you tell us how the three towers could come down according to the USGOCT. You can't, given your lack of expertise and knowledge of what those studies entailed.

NIST couldn't and didn't for the twin towers. They made the totally unscientific decision that global collapse was inevitable, ignoring all the same impossiblities of the USGOCT, all the things that you have been falling all over yourself to ignore, and stated collapse was inevitable.

Totally unscientific, especially considering it has never happened before or since in the long history of many steel framed high rises with fires much worse and much longer than those of 9/11.

Which is thee most unscientific thing one can imagine.

Their "study" of WTC7, which they admitted and stated that they were having trouble getting a handle on, was a perfect example of scientific malfeasance, lies and totally unprofessional conduct.

When a "study" group lies about free fall, lies about most of the real life conditions of WTC7, ie. leaves out many of the structural elements that were there, any person with a brain knows that that study is a fraud, a planned fraud, a criminal fraud, the greatest abuse that a scientist can carry out.

A Uof A, Fairbanks, building forensic scientist, doing a study of NIST's WTC7 study, was asked, on a scale of 1 to 100, how likely is it that NIST's study is an accurate portrayal of the collapse of WTC7.

His one word reply, ZERO.

Asked if NIST had been a PhD student of his who presented the NIST study as his thesis, would he flunk them?

His one word reply - YES.

Deal with reality, vikorr, not with these silly ethereal things, put forward by you solely as deflections and distractions.

You still have never put forward any evidence for the USGOCT. Why? Because there isn't any.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 09:38 pm
These "questions" you have asked are not sensible questions at all.
It's not sensible to ask how your alleged conspiracy theory was engineered? Dude, your theory absolutely requires engineering...what you describe is impossible without it.Drunk The very good reason you won't consider the engineer is absolutely essential to your theory, is that consideration of such would challenge your dearly held beliefs.

Motive is also an essential ingredient. Your offered motive is so shallow as to be a propaganda slogan. You still can't answer any of the deeper questions I asked - the actual human motive, the self interest, the gain that would drive so many people to mass murder their own people. You complain of brainwashing, but avoid any thought that challenges your belief.

You make allegations of brainwashing. You do realise that brainwashed people:
- do not seek to test their knowledge,
- do not seek to apply critical thinking,
- do not ask themselves difficult questions that may challenge their beliefs,

...all of these things are reflections of your behaviour during conversation with me. You can't answer difficult questions that are essential to your theory. You won't test your theory on them. You won't apply critical thinking to them. Your theory requires engineering have been carried out, so critical thinking requires you consider it, yet you won't.

If you wonder why I haven't replied to much of the rest of your post, as I previously mentioned, there is little point. Conversing with a person who will not self test, nor question, almost always results in pointless conversation.

Much the same as most of this conversation thread.

Tue 28 Aug, 2018 09:21 am
You saw the towers were engineered for controlled demolitions, vikorr, in the result. What can't your jaundiced mind not grasp about the US nanothermite, which means there were no hijackers. That in and of itself blows apart the US government phony conspiracy theory.

Building simply do not accelerate as they fall, symmetrically, thru the path of greatest resistance without controlled demolitions. There is unequivocal evidence for those controlled demolitions.

Yet here you are, a nothing when it comes to science and building science, pretending you know more than 3000 architects and engineers, Professor Hulsey, a forensic building scientist with more than 30 years of experience.

You embarrass yourself with your every post because you can't discuss reality, physics or building science, not to mention basic common sense.

Add the close to free fall of WTC1, thru the path of greatest resistance, the core columns. You really do not understand building science or science at all.

Free fall of WTC7 means controlled demolition. You are desperately trying to introduce total nonsense, no crime investigators look for motive at the start of an investigation. The national fire code doesn't tell investigators to consider motive. NIST failed to check for explosives when fire code says in suspicious circumstances, like FREE FALL, investigators should always look for explosives and thermite.

You make allegations of brainwashing. You do realise that brainwashed people:
- do not seek to test their knowledge,
- do not seek to apply critical thinking,
- do not ask themselves difficult questions that may challenge their beliefs,

That is you in a nutshell. Totally brainwashed. You can't focus at all on the myriad impossibilities of the USGOCT which make it totally impossible.

You reject the science and the facts and replace it with distractions and diversions about totally inane ideas.
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
I am merely pointing out the finger pointing hypocrisy of the USA and Americans. Since pedophilia, rapes, sexual assaults are exceedingly common in all countries, including the USA, it's hard to imagine what was happening not so long ago within your lifetime.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:44 am
@cicerone imposter,
You're all over the map, ci. Do try a wee bit of focus.
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