Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
You forgot Iraq and Afghanistan, CI, two countries that your governments illegally invaded all based on the US governments lies of 911, the US government's false flag operation.

Think of the pain and suffering you folks have caused to how many hundreds of millions around the world!
0 Replies
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 11:19 am
@cicerone imposter,
Given all you know about the fact that 911 was a US false flag it is not not at all unrealistic that the US has orchestrated many?? all?? of the "terrorist attacks" in the USA. It orchestrated many terrorist attacks in many western European countries after WWII, falsely blaming them on communists, left wing groups.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 02:20 pm
Apparently your theories are dearly held beliefs without true critical thought behind them. You're entitled to such - just don't expect that others will buy wholesale your nonsense without actual thought.

Despite my posts, you keep missing my points, misinterpreting others, jump to unsubstantiated conclusions, providing 'contradictory' evidence, insisting that 'no other explanation exists' for events with other explanations, engaging in double standards, forgetting already existing conversation when saying 'you are ignoring ###',and failing to answer questions.

It is quite impossible to engage in a sensible conversation with person engaging in such conversational nonsense.

And again - start a thread on this topic in it's own right (that is not to say I will participate in it - my patience with your behaviour is already wearing thin)
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 02:35 pm
All this, vikorr, and you can't even provide any evidence for the USGOS.

You ignore hard science, you ignore so many impossibilities found within the USGOS. I haven't missed one of your points. They are simply nonsense.

You don't seem to know anything about science, building structure, the actual facts, you just go on and on despite not being able to give any evidence for the USGOS and denying stark reality after stark reality after stark reality.

What makes you unable to grasp that alleged Arab hijackers could not [you do understand what 'could not' means, don't you?] have introduced US proprietary nanothermite to the WTC site,

that alleged Arab hijackers had no way to melt WTC structural steel,

that alleged Arab hijackers had no way to make WTC7 fall at free fall speed,

that alleged Arab hijackers had no way to make the twin towers fall at accelerating speed?

There is nothing, no evidence, nothing in this latest post of yours that is honest, that addresses the science, the facts, the truth. Your posts have been completely devoid of these things.

I am truly puzzled why anyone would try to cover up the murders of 3000 of their own, and the subsequent murders and other equally sordid crimes the US committed against Muslims and Muslim nations after their false flag of 9/11.

Your "explanations" are, excuse me, total drivel. Why? Because you provide zero science to back them, you add no facts, you have never added anything to even show that hijackers existed.

You can tell by your whining that you have nothing of any import to offer, which is why you have fallen to only this pattern of whining. It's all supporters of the USGOS ever have to offer.
cicerone imposter
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 02:42 pm
I never said "911 was a US false flag." You did. Quit imagining what I said, and return to the real world.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 03:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I never said "911 was a US false flag." You did. Quit imagining what I said, and return to the real world.

You described the American born terrorists, ci. There are millions of American terrorists, Bush and Cheney are among them. You know them to be terrorists and war criminals.

And since you know that there isn't even one piece of actual evidence, meaning something that could be introduced and accepted into a court of law for any hijackers, then you know 9/11 was a US false flag.

How did alleged hijackers melt WTC structural steel? You can see it pouring from WTC2 just minutes before WTC2 was blown up.

9/11: Stabilized WTC2 molten metal (CameraPlanet & National Geographic)


In case you are ignorant of this fact, there is nothing in the US government official story that can account for WTC structural steel being melted and yet, there you see it.

Science and reality both state that there is only one conclusion to this, ci

911 was a US false flag

0 Replies
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 08:04 pm
There is nothing, no evidence, nothing in this latest post of yours that is honest, that addresses the science, the facts, the truth. Your posts have been completely devoid of these things.
Just about everything you said in this quote is is a continuation of the nonsense tactics/habits that I mentioned in my previous post.

It's not that you don't have some points, it's the other already stated nonsense you engage in. Some of it appears to be caused by substantial ignorance of western cultural traits, some of it appears to be a lack of understanding of humans in general, some of it appears the result of buying into propaganda, and some part appears to be lack of critical thought and questioning, . At this point in time, you're just repeating yourself, engaging in the same fallacies over and over, so there is little sense in continuing to converse with you.

And again, create a separate thread for your theory.

Sat 25 Aug, 2018 09:28 pm
I have provided evidence for each total impossibility, each of which sinks the USGOS on its own.

You have provided zero evidence for every uninformed opinion you have put forward. You have illustrated that you know little to nothing about all these issues and the science.

Some of it appears to be caused by substantial ignorance of western cultural traits, some of it appears to be a lack of understanding of humans in general, some of it appears the result of buying into propaganda, and some part appears to be lack of critical thought and questioning,

Total drivel. You are throwing up crap because you don't have a leg to stand on.

Western cultural traits have nothing to do with the science of 9/11. Except for the fact that the US and its bought and paid for scientists, NIST, are liars of monumental proportions.

It is you and all the cowards here that have bought into the US 9/11 propaganda. Again, there has not been one thing from you that has addressed the facts or the science.

That you, a person who avoids dealing with all the impossible things that make up the totally fallacious USGOS, should try to lecture me on this is ludicrous in the extreme.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 09:53 pm
Total drivel. You are throwing up crap because you don't have a leg to stand on.
How odd, there have been a number of points you made that I acknowledged, and you've thanked me for acknowledging...but of course, it apparently is only thanks for agreeing with you. Once a person diverges from agreeing with you, then your true colours show.

My comment on your lack of understanding of western cultural traits, and lack of understanding of humans in general, has to do with the nonsense you served up as 'motivation' for 9-11. What you served up was a slogan with no substance, that did not explain why people would engage in 9-11 behaviour.

You fail to understand that it is people who do things, not organisations. So if you were to propose a valid conspiracy theory - you would also need a motivation that people will buy into the conspiracy, in order to get those people to directly murder thousands of other people, and then to cover it up for the rest of their lives. You did not provide this. And what shallow slogan you did provide, did not match western thought patterns.

It's quite obvious you reside in a non-western country.

It's also obvious you studied neither chemistry nor physics in school (I went through in the 80's, well before 9-11) to not know that steel expands under heat.

Nor can you make a logical jump from Nanothermite possibly being found in WTC dust, to 'that's what brought it down. You are not an engineer, and you have not seen an engineers report explaining how such a thing would be achieved. In case you don't understand this - to work out how to bring down a building (using anything), you do not go to a scientist - you go to an engineer. So in this case, you see an allegation, and you just wish it to be the cause, rather than knowing it to be so.

Every bit of 'science' you have quoted, eitherwise does not have enough information (nanothermite), or is supposition (controlled explosives), with other possible explanations (but ones you have a vested interest in not considering)

The only motivation you provided for such was so shallow, and so lacking in human understanding as to be sloganistic nonsense.

You argue it must be true, purely because you wish it to be true. All your claims to the contrary are just that - ideologically based protestations.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:08 pm
Your posts make me wonder what sort of motivation you attribute to me disagreeing with you. Anyone who has followed my posts realise I am very critical of many aspects of US foreign policy (particularly as relates to invasions, but also in relation to domination policies, and certain together economic policies), and perhaps only because it affects so many less people, several aspects Australian foreign policy (where I live).

As far as I can see, you, while complaining of propaganda driven beliefs in the West, engage in ideologically driven beliefs yourself. That appears to me to be two sides of the same 'my world is better than your world' (or similar slogan) coin.

Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:17 pm
My comment on your lack of understanding of western cultural traits, and lack of understanding of humans in general, has to do with the nonsense you served up as 'motivation' for 9-11. What you served up was a slogan with no substance, that did not explain why people would engage in 9-11 behaviour.

Your motivation angle was and is a deflection from the important issues, the ones that seek to right an egregious wrong that the US governments have perpetrated upon Muslims and Muslim countries and other countries, which for some odd reason, you don't seem to give a rat's ass about.

You want to discuss these non issues so that you can deflect from the actual issues. I have zero interest in the evil that exists in the minds of the neocons. I do have an interest in seeing those neocons pay for their crimes, just as any decent, human being would.

It's also obvious you studied neither chemistry nor physics in school (I went through in the 80's, well before 9-11) to not know that steel expands under heat.

Why do you keep advancing this silliness but you haven't discussed why you think it is salient. I described why it has nothing to do with 9/11 but still you throw up this drivel.

Nor can you make a logical jump from Nanothermite possibly being found in WTC dust, to 'that's what brought it down.

Not possibly being there. It was there. This was described by the top scientists listed in the article, which you haven't read. It is the science of the day because it has never been refuted.

It is nanothermite because it measures at the nano scale. It is not an explosive that is ground down to that size, it is a new scientific discovery that builds it up from the atomic level.

No one in the world has this, knows how to make this, save for US government military scientists.

You employ the same thing that all the debunkers employ, throw up inane off topic jibes but you have no explanation for any of the things I have put in front of you, backed by numerous sources. You have no sources and no science.

You have provided nothing to explain WTC7 free fall. You have nothing to explain anything. You have zero to explain all these impossibilities, why NIST would lie, how was WTC structural steel melted and vaporized.

How could molybdenum be melted [4,900F], why was 6% of WTC dust iron microspheres, which is one of the main by products of thermitic reactions?

In short you have provided zilch. Your psychology bullshit is nothing but a ruse mean only to distract from the impossibilities that you know you can't explain, the impossibilities that sink the USGOS.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:25 pm
Your posts make me wonder what sort of motivation you attribute to me disagreeing with you.

You disagree with me as if I am the one who has brought forward all the science, as if I am the one who has collected the NIST lies. You talk psychology but you don't seek to analyze John Gross's baldfaced lies wherein he caught himself out. And NIST's other lies, which I have not even touched on.

Just deal with the science and the facts. Molten, vaporized WTC steel means that there could not have been 19 Arab hijackers as described by the USGOS.

Just this one thing is enough to know the official story is false.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 12:05 am
Just deal with the science and the facts. Molten, vaporized WTC steel means that there could not have been 19 Arab hijackers as described by the USGOS.
Keh, there is no logical connection between the two thoughts. From a logic perspective, there is nothing to stop both the first, and the second occuring at the same time.

You disagree with me as if I am the one who has brought forward all the science
Is that what you see me disagreeing with? The science of how nanothermites work? It's incredible that you cannot understand that my issue (other than with whether or not it existed) is with application, both how, and why. Without the how, you cannot positively establish a connection. Without the why, you cannot have motive, nor a unified conspiracy.

Other than that, you have several theories:
- underground explosions
- controlled explosions in the building
- nanothermite

You need to stop jumping all over the place, saying 'it' is fact, when you keep changing your tune as to the 'what' is fact.

As I mentioned numerous times - it's fine for you to have a conspiracy theory - everyone is entitled to their own views. It is not fine to call others out on lack of critical thinking, and buying into propaganda, when you so obviously do the same. It's quite hypocritical.

I guess though, that people driven by ideological bents, rarely see the flaws in their own 'logic'.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 12:21 am
Your motivation angle was and is a deflection from the important issues
lmao. That is a tactic, not a motivation.

the ones that seek to right an egregious wrong that the US governments have perpetrated upon Muslims and Muslim countries and other countries
rofl...I've been as critical of the US wars in Iraq as anyone. Afghanistan wasn't a good idea, though I understood the why, Iran's coup was just plain wrong. The propping up of dictators in the ME was just plain wrong. Syria is a mess.

You're looking in the wrong place for your devil.

I considered replying to other 'points' you made, but quite frankly, the increasingly terrible quality of your 'logic' makes discussion pointless.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:05 am
rofl...I've been as critical of the US wars in Iraq as anyone. Afghanistan wasn't a good idea, though I understood the why, Iran's coup was just plain wrong. The propping up of dictators in the ME was just plain wrong. Syria is a mess.

This isn't the issue, vikorr. The discussion isn't about the US's long history of war crimes, ... . It is about the US creating an elaborate false flag event to falsely accuse Muslims and Muslim countries.

The issue is that you are avoiding all the total impossibilities, the ones that show unequivocally that the USOGS has zero merit. It is a lie from beginning to end, a fiction, a fable.

Why can't you address these things? You haven't addressed anything. You dismiss the impossibles by advancing some silly notions of "science" that not even NIST or any other lame debunkers would try. Not even farmerman.

I considered replying to other 'points' you made, but quite frankly, the increasingly terrible quality of your 'logic' makes discussion pointless.

You think it is logical to avoid the impossibilities, the lies of NIST, denying molten WTC structural steel when NIST knew all about it, John Gross had touched it, pointed to it, grasped it in his hand. And the many more impossibilities, not to mention that you have not attempted to provide any US "evidence".

That is because none, not one shred, exists.

Molten WTC structural steel all by its lonesome destroys the US government story. For you to suggest that it doesn't is totally illogical.

Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:20 am
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:28 am
Why can't you provide any evidence, coldjoint, for the US government conspiracy theory? You pretend to be an informed American, so why can't you provide anything?

Seven seconds is more than enough to illustrate that you don't know anything about the science, facts or events of 9/11. It is totally in keeping with your usual kool aid gulping.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:51 am
Why can't you provide any evidence, coldjoint, for the US government conspiracy theory? You pretend to be an informed American, so why can't you provide anything?

Because I do not need to, or want to.
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 10:57 am
Because you can't. There is none.

This is so hilarious. All these many millions of Americans, others, believe but they can't provide one piece of evidence to show the US government story has any truth to it.

This is thee very definition of gullible. Supreme gullibility.

And the truly sad thing is that everyone knows the USGOS is totally false and they try to protect those who kill millions, murder 3,000 +- of their own.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 26 Aug, 2018 03:09 pm
I wonder where camlok would love to live?
The important issues IMHO is that the US does its best to provide equality in its many forms, and does its best to protect its allies. Sure, there are better countries, but the majority of them are small in comparison to size and demographics. When one considers that our country is composed of less than 5% of the world's population but is the biggest economy and military, that's saying something of import.

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