Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Fri 24 Aug, 2018 12:19 am
You talk about evidence, and then fail to provide any actual evidence. So far, all I see are wild claims with no back up. I don't even see a human motivation for doing such on the US side...and all these are carried out by humans, so they have to have a radicalised belief, or human nature / self interest driving them. What do you claim or believe it is, or is likely to be?

Your claims of subterranean explosions is not consistent with your conspiracy of internal building implosives. Subterranean would undermine the foundations, with any little thing that goes wrong, making a sideways topple much more likely. Not only is this is inconsistent with how the towers fell down - it's inconsistent with the visible order of collapse of the towers. And can you find one other building of even remotely similar size, where implosion explosives were coupled with underground explosives?. Or any other highrise at all where that is the case?

7 impossibilities? How odd - I seem to have mentioned common sense explanations for just about every 'impossibility' you claimed.

The nano-thermite I haven't commented on. How about your provide a source.

For someone who is so insistent that the US version is fabricated by them....you apparently can't provide anything to show that your version isn't fabricated either. It's certainly the sort of stuff/rumour/'facts' I'd come up with if I were engaged in an ideas war with the US.

Your values/tests/standards need to go both ways, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.

Provide some evidence.

Or admit it's just a theory / belief

(which, if you haven't understood by now, is fine by me)
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 06:12 am
there are no 100% peaceful nations or 100% muslim nations
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 07:52 am
You talk about evidence, and then fail to provide any actual evidence. So far, all I see are wild claims with no back up.

With all due respect, Vikorr, the evidence is easily available. I have refrained from bringing it here because A2K powers always put the kaibosh on discussing the US government lies surrounding the events of 911. But since this very thread touches on the subject at hand, the framing of Muslims and Muslim nations by elements of the US government.

You talked about steel and expansion of steel, using the lies of Popular Mechanics and the lies of Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator for the NIST investigation of WTC7.

Let's forget about those lies for a moment. And focus on the impossibilities of the US government frame job of the alleged hijackers, for whom, there is no evidence for their existence.

There was WTC7 structural steel that was melted and vaporized. There is nothing in the US government official story [USGOS] that can account for molten, let alone vaporized WTC structural steel.

The alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.

NIST lied, categorically and in a complete baldfaced manner about the melted and vaporized WTC structural steel.

So the alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.

No office fires, even burning for days, weeks, months on end, can ever attain temperatures high enough to melt steel [2,700F], let alone vaporize steel [4,900F].

Therefore, the alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.

Office fires usually last 20 to 30 minutes and then, when the available fuel is used up they go out in one location and move to areas with fresh fuel supplies.

There was, there is no legitimate way within the confines of the USGOS to account for this melted and vaporized WTC structural steel.

The result of these NIST/US government lies is that the alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.

Alleged hijackers, in the USGOS, had no possible way of melting or vaporizing WTC structural steel, hence, there were no hijackers. They have been framed as have all Muslim nations.

This is but a small bit of evidence, there is much much more. But this evidence on its own illustrates that the USGOS is a total fraud because there is no possible way within the confines of the USGOCT for there to have been molten and vaporized WTC structural steel..
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:03 am
@bunnyhabit ,
The US government framed the alleged hijackers and Muslim nations, bunnyhabit. The US government has a long and storied history of doing this.

Steel framed high rises like WTC7 cannot fall at free fall speed, never have in all of history, without there being a controlled demolition.

WTC7 fell at free fall speed for the first 2.5 seconds, 107 feet, 8 storeys of its collapse. That is impossible without there being a controlled demolition.

Alleged hijackers could not have done that because they never came anywhere close to WTC7.

Controlled demolitions cannot happen without preplanning.

Therefore, the alleged hijackers have been framed by the US government and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.

0 Replies
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:29 am
The nano-thermite I haven't commented on. How about your provide a source.

A source to 1) illustrate that ONLY the US government has nanothermite and a source to illustrate that 2) nanothermite was found in WTC dust?



Nanoscale Chemistry Yields Better Explosives

ONE thousand years ago, black powder was prepared by grinding saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur together into a coarse powder using a mortar and pestle. Since then, the equipment for making energetic materials-explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics-has evolved considerably, but the basic process for making these materials has remained the same. That, however, is changing, thanks to an explosive combination of sol-gel chemistry and modern-day energetic materials research.
At Livermore Laboratory, sol-gel chemistry-the same process used to make aerogels or "frozen smoke" (see S&TR, November/December 1995)—has been the key to creating energetic materials with improved, exceptional, or entirely new properties. This energetic materials breakthrough was engineered by Randy Simpson, director of the Energetic Materials Center; synthetic chemists Tom Tillotson, Alex Gash, and Joe Satcher; and physicist Lawrence Hrubesh.

These new materials have structures that can be controlled on the nanometer (billionth-of-a-meter) scale. Simpson explains, "In general, the smaller the size of the materials being combined, the better the properties of energetic materials. Since these `nanostructures' are formed with particles on the nanometer scale, the performance can be improved over materials with particles the size of grains of sand or of powdered sugar. In addition, these `nanocomposite' materials can be easier and much safer to make than those made with traditional methods."

Therefore, the alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.


Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe
Niels H. Harrit*,1, Jeffrey Farrer2
, Steven E. Jones*,3, Kevin R. Ryan4
, Frank M. Legge5
Daniel Farnsworth2
, Gregg Roberts6
, James R. Gourley7
and Bradley R. Larsen3

Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the
destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in
this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan
resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later.

The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy
dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately
100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures.

of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum
are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring
at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite.

Numerous iron-rich
spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these
chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.


The alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to a framing by false implications put out by the US government to include all Muslim nations.
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 09:31 am
I wrote:

NIST lied, categorically and in a complete baldfaced manner about the melted and vaporized WTC structural steel.

I should have stated that NIST's second in command, John Gross, categorically denied the very existence of melted/molten steel, stating that he had been at the boneyards [the places where WTC rubble was taken] and he had personally never seen any melted steel, he had never heard anyone tell of/talk of melted steel.

This was an outright, baldfaced lie. FEMA had already published a report describing the melted steel, which obviously, John Gross, an lead investigator for NIST, should have known about. He did know about it.

Many first responders, scientists, firemen, clean up workers described molten steel. Leslie Robertson, one of the designers of the twin towers describes being taken by firefighters on the WTC site and shown a little river of molten steel, flowing.

A few years later photos of John Gross, at the boneyards, pointing to, touching, grasping the end of a previously melted/vaporized steel beam/girder became public.

These are lies of immense chutzpah. These are the kinds of lies gullible Americans/westerners, who purport to be sensible adults, are willing to give a pass to.

It has to be obvious to any honest individual that the alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to frame all Muslim nations.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:07 pm
You talked about steel and expansion of steel, using the lies of Popular Mechanics and the lies of Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator for the NIST investigation of WTC7.
Keh - everyone knows that steel expands under heat. This knowledge hasn't been around since 9-11, I've known this since a child

There was WTC7 structural steel that was melted and vaporized. There is nothing in the US government official story [USGOS] that can account for molten, let alone vaporized WTC structural steel.
Setting aside the side of the aviation fuel explosion in relation to melted steel - how do you know that metal was vaporised?

The alleged hijackers have been framed and that has been maliciously expanded to all Muslim nations.
Really? All Muslim nations have been framed? Now I know you are buying into ideologically driven theories. Don't you think the people of the US, and other western nations, would know if the US was trying to frame all Muslim Nations? The US, and Western governments, have gone to great pains to paint Muslims as the victims, to paint Islam as a religion of peace, and Islamist Terrorists as not Muslims. You only need to look at the mass rapes in the UK, which they covered up for 2 years, and the mass rapes in Cologne which they also tried to cover up...purely because the perpertrators were Muslim (this behaviour follows the rhetoric of those governments). I suspect you live in a Muslim country, with Muslim propaganda to not know these sorts of things. Western media has it's own biases, resulting in the west being just as ignorant about a lot of other things.

Quite frankly, your wording shows a wilful desire to believe things that aren't true.

NIST lied, categorically and in a complete baldfaced manner about the melted and vaporized WTC structural steel.
Compared to the people feeding your theories, because they of course, while not having access to the site, nor the ability to investigate the matter, had the actual facts?

The U.S. lies about a lot of things. Most governments do. But if you are going to ascertain truth from fiction, you need to not have an ideologically desired outcome - otherwise you just participate in your own deception while calling others deceptive.
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:22 pm
Now see - the Thermite story was much more interesting. Though I had to go looking for the paper itself.
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:52 pm
Keh - everyone knows that steel expands under heat. This knowledge hasn't been around since 9-11, I've known this since a child

You are making up silly nonsense to avoid the impossible things you can't explain, which you are studiously trying to avoid. It doesn't matter that steel expands. That is a red herring. There have been many many fires in steel framed buildings high rises and none have ever collapsed.

The steel in WTC7 was covered with insulation. There was no reason or possibility for any of the WTC7 steel to get hot enough to cause any damage.

Yet we have melted WTC7 steel. Which was melted by US government nanothermite which caused WTC7 to go into free fall. That is the only possible explanation for the free fall.

NIST failed to described this free fall until it was pointed out to them. This is much more than simple incompetence, this was professional malfeasance.

UL tested WTC steel in a furnace for hours longer than any fires at WTC, with the floors loaded heavier than normal and the steel performed without fail. Other tests in the UK that subjected steel to much hotter fires than normal saw no failures.

You are avoiding the US government nanothermite. You are avoiding the fact that it was found in WTC dust, along with the byproducts of these thermitic reactions.

These are impossibilities that illustrate that there were no hijackers, that the US government story is one big lie after another.

You are avoiding NIST's lies.

You are avoiding John Gross's lie.

You can see these in the Consensus 911 report below.

Setting aside the side of the aviation fuel explosion in relation to melted steel - how do you know that metal was vaporised?

There's no need to set anything aside. Aviation fuel can't melt or vaporize steel either. Molten and vaporized steel WTC structural steel means the US government official story is a total lie.

[TO THE READER: It might be better to read the following at the link at the start of this quote box. The formatting is better there and the pictures can be seen]



The Official Account
No steel from WTC 7 was recovered from the collapse site, as NIST reports have repeatedly pointed out. [1]

Just as there was no reference to recovered WTC 7 steel in NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (2008), [2] there was also no reference to the building or recovered steel in The 9/11 Commission Report (2004). [3]

Because no steel from WTC 7 was recovered, it was impossible to carry out any metallography. [4]

Accordingly, it was impossible for NIST to make any statements about the quality of WTC 7’s steel in its investigations. [5]

NIST has been able to describe the steel only on the basis of construction-related documents. [6]

The Best Evidence
There is ample physical evidence refuting NIST’s claim that no steel was recovered from WTC 7:
Early evidence of WTC 7 steel recovery was reported in a 2001 letter to JOM [7] written by three professors from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, entitled “An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel WTC Building 7.” [8]
In 2002, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) published a report by the same professors describing the strange thinning and corrosion of World Trade Center steel. Sample 1 was a beam which “appeared to be from WTC7,” although “the exact location of this beam in the building was not known.” [9] When asked about this, a Senior Communications Officer for NIST said: “It was not possible to conclusively link” that steel sample to WTC 7. [10] But a statement like this from a communications officer cannot cast doubt on the evaluation of three scientists.

That the steel appeared to have come from WTC 7 was confirmed by Professor Jonathan Barnett, lead author of the FEMA study, in a 2008 BBC documentary. [11]
Appendix D of the same FEMA Report notes that “pieces that were searched for and inspected include … burnt pieces from WTC 7,” and includes a photo of a “WTC 7 W14 column tree with beams attached to two floors.” Another photo showed a “Seat connection in fire-damaged W14 column from WTC 7.” [12]

Figure-C1 [see picture at link at bottom of this page.]

It is clear from a 2005 damage study that NIST knew about the FEMA report, for it referred to “the steel from WTC7 (Sample 1 of Appendix C, FEMA/BPAT study).” [13]

In 2012, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by researcher David Cole produced several photographs of John Gross examining the WTC 7 steel in a scrap yard. Gross was the Co-Project leader on NIST’s Structural Fire Response and Collapse Analysis. [14] He had responsibility to “determine and analyze the mechanical and metallurgical properties and quality of steel, weldments, and connections from steel recovered from WTC 1, 2, and 7.” [15]
These photos were obtained by NIST FOIA #12-057, February 7, 2012, and are available in an online dataset. [16]

Figure-C2 [see picture at link at bottom of this page.]

Notice the curled up Swiss-cheese steel similar to that pictured in the 2002 FEMA Report above. [17]

The examination of steel from WTC 7 was also covered in various news stories, including two from the New York Times and one from Worcester Polytechnic Institute:

A New York Times article of November 2001 cited Dr. Jonathan Barnett of Worcester Polytechnic Institute as speaking about “steel members in the [WTC7] debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures.” [18] (The presence of inexplicably intense heat is corroborated by Consensus Point TT-6: “The Claim That There Was No Molten Steel Or Iron in the WTC Buildings.” [19])
A 2002 New York Times story noted: “Perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation involves extremely thin bits of steel collected from the trade towers and from 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story high rise that also collapsed for unknown reasons. The steel apparently melted away, but no fire in any of the buildings was believed to be hot enough to melt steel outright.” [20]

A story in the official publication of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute stated: “A one inch [steel] column has been reduced to half-inch thickness. Its edges – which are curled like a paper scroll – have been thinned to almost razor sharpness. Gaping holes – some larger than a silver dollar – let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange. This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending – but not holes.” [21]

0 Replies
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 08:59 pm
You still are avoiding all the myriad impossibilities and you are making light of a very serious issue. There were no hijackers as alleged by the Bush administration. Consider who that leaves. Consider who is actually responsible for the murders of some 3,000 people on 911. Consider who is responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands because of these lies.
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 09:42 pm
Now see - the Thermite story was much more interesting. Though I had to go looking for the paper itself.

No you didn't. I provided you a link in Post: # 6,701,077 on this very page.

Why are you studiously avoiding the implications of the US military labs discovery of how to make nanothermite and of the discovery of unreacted particles of the same US government nanothermite and the by products of these nanothermite reactions?
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 11:14 pm
No you didn't. I provided you a link in Post: # 6,701,077 on this very page.
Thanks. I missed that.

Why are you studiously avoiding the implications of the US military labs discovery of how to make nanothermite and of the discovery of unreacted particles of the same US government nanothermite and the by products of these nanothermite reactions?

I'm not avoiding anything. I'm withholding judgement on such theories, because I don't think sufficient evidence exists to make them credible. In particular, there seems no comprehensible motives in existence, to make them credible.

You obviously only see 'studious avoidance', because once again, that is what you are driven to see...rather than what is.

What we know for sure are that planes crashed into the twin towers, and they then came down, . What we know is the collapse started in both towers, around where each plane crashed into the buildings. This alone makes the collapse of the building, caused by the crashes, as by far the most likely cause.

No credible motivation is provided for any other scenario.

In any event, the study itself has a number of flaws from a conspiracy theory point of view:
- The study didn't disclose the sources of the samples. It instead provided vague references to having obtained the samples from WTC dust. As you are a conspiracy theorist, believing in large scale lies - I'm sure you have a problem with this. Unless of course it's only problems with things that don't meet your ideology.
- it makes no claims to how it would be used to bring down a building like the WTC
- it makes no claim to how much nano-thermite would be needed (it could be massive amounts, given the amount of steel in the WTC)
- it makes no claim to how fast it works, which would be imperative to your claims
- it doesn't appear to make any claims to 'vaporising' other metal. Vaporising btw, does not just mean burning off (which would take some time), but almost instantaneously burning steel into burnt material

It's hardly grounds for a credible theory. It is grounds for questions.
Fri 24 Aug, 2018 11:16 pm
You still are avoiding all the myriad impossibilities and you are making light of a very serious issue. There were no hijackers as alleged by the Bush administration
The pilots did it of their own accord huh .

Btw, you should start your own thread on this stuff. It is misplaced discussing it here.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:03 am
I'm not avoiding anything. I'm withholding judgement on such theories, because I don't think sufficient evidence exists to make them credible. In particular, there seems no comprehensible motives in existence, to make them credible.

You are totally avoiding reality, vikorr.

Free fall of WTC7 screams there were no hijackers. That is not a theory. NIST admitted free fall after pretending it didn't happen. They were like children caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

US government proprietary nanothermite is not a theory. Its existence in WTC dust is not a theory. The by products of this new generation of super explosives being found in large volumes in WTC dust, some 1500 times normal is not a theory.

The molten/vaporized WTC structural steel is not a theory. It is the result of the nanothermite that was placed in the three towers, WTCs 1, 2 & 7.

All these things and much more are proven facts, based on science.

All the theories of the USGOS, which for some ludicrous reason you are still lamely defending, have no evidence to support them. That should be crystal clear to any sensible person given just the things I have mentioned above.

Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:13 am
What we know for sure are that planes crashed into the twin towers, and they then came down, . What we know is the collapse started in both towers, around where each plane crashed into the buildings. This alone makes the collapse of the building, caused by the crashes, as by far the most likely cause.

You might have a point if you ignore all the facts, truth and science.

Like WTC7.

The twin towers were designed for exactly that scenario. Assymmetrical damage can never cause symmetrical collapses, at accelerating speed. That is against the laws of physics.

The collapses showed ALL the features of controlled demolition. And the fact that a new explosive that NO ONE in the world has except the US government states it clearly - WTCs 1, 2 & 7 were brought down by controlled demolition.

The motive is totally clear. All to blame Muslims and Muslim nations so the US could launch more of their illegal invasions. You know they lied about Iraq. They also lied about Afghanistan.

No credible motivation is provided for any other scenario. [/quote]
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:24 am
There are American born terrorists in our own country who have been killed by children. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/08/trump-muslim-terrorists-gun-violence-america-deaths
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:32 am
In any event, the study itself has a number of flaws from a conspiracy theory point of view:

It has no flaws. It represents the standing science of the day. It has never been refuted by any scientists, nor has there ever been any other published material contesting these scientists.

Take the following in the spirit in which it is being given, as a fair and honest appraisal.

This above, and the rest below, illustrates that you have no idea of which you speak. You are terribly ill informed and you are just making wild illogical accusations and ignoring science and logic.

- The study didn't disclose the sources of the samples. It instead provided vague references to having obtained the samples from WTC dust.

False. You obviously read nothing.

As you are a conspiracy theorist, believing in large scale lies - I'm sure you have a problem with this. Unless of course it's only problems with things that don't meet your ideology.

On the contrary. I have shown that it is NIST that has lied, the US government that has lied. There is no evidence for the USGOS. Regarding NIST's lies, I have only begun to scratch the surface.

You illustrate your desperation by ignoring the science, the facts, the stark realities and you cling to the fatuous notion that the US government wouldn't do this.

How did 19 hijackers get US proprietary nanothermite, how did they plant it, how did they abolish Newton's Laws of Motion, how did they cause WTC7 to fall at free speed. how did they melt WTC structural steel, ... ?

- it makes no claims to how it would be used to bring down a building like the WTC
- it makes no claim to how much nano-thermite would be needed (it could be massive amounts, given the amount of steel in the WTC)
- it makes no claim to how fast it works, which would be imperative to your claims

That you think the men who authored that scientific paper have to do the above illustrates just how little understanding you have of science.

- it doesn't appear to make any claims to 'vaporising' other metal. Vaporising btw, does not just mean burning off (which would take some time), but almost instantaneously burning steel into burnt material

If you were knowledgeable about these events and issues you wouldn't be making these wild, silly claims.

FEMA describes the process. it was in the links I have given you, which you either haven't read or you don't understand.

What makes you deny all these hard realities, all the hard science and cling desperately to the USGOS, for which there is no evidence? For which there is voluminous evidence of myriad US government and their agents lies.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:36 am
https://www.worldblaze.in/top-10-most-peaceful-muslim-countries/ I have personally visited Turkey (both European and Asian Turkey), Indonesia, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan, and have always felt safe. Even visited Egypt a few weeks after the German tourists were killed at Hatshepsut Temple. As a matter of fact, I took my sister to Egypt and Jordan because I didn't fear for our safety.
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:37 am
Btw, you should start your own thread on this stuff. It is misplaced discussing it here.

I suggested that to you and you ignored it.

But this thread is an appropriate place to discuss this because it goes directly to the point of Muslim nations and how peaceful they are or are not.

Since Muslims the world over have been falsely accused by the US government, setting the record straight that it WAS NOT Muslims who orchestrated and carried out the destruction of the buildings on 911 is central to this thread and more importantly, helping to bring the REAL perpetrators of this crime to justice.

Are you happy, are you satisified in having your governments murder 3000 on 911 and hundreds of thousands/millions thereafter?
Sat 25 Aug, 2018 10:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
What on earth does this have to do with the fact that there were no hijackers on 911 as alleged by your lying US governments, CI?

Why, with all this compelling evidence, and none, ZERO for the US government story, are you running off on inane tangents?
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