It must feel great, because there must be a huge number of entrants. However, the New Yorker sense of humor is so droll and dry that I often find little humor in their captions.
By the way, I find both of your current captions good enough to enter the contest, but I would have a hard time choosing one over the other. Good luck.
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Mon 13 Aug, 2018 11:44 am
The Samaritans, moving with the times.
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Mon 13 Aug, 2018 11:53 am
coluber2001 wrote:
The winning caption:
"Sir, I don't make the laws of gravity, I just enforce them.”
John H. Elliott, Atlanta, Ga.
Drewdad's caption: it's very close and the same idea.
"In this town, we obey the laws of physics."
To which cartoon are you referring, coluber2001? The flying dog, maybe?