Sun 30 May, 2004 07:46 am
I tried to translate my name [Elizabeth] into Russian, but different translators gave me different answers. For one I got Элизабет and for the other I got Eлызабет. Which is correct, if either?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer
Элизабет would be pronounced "Eleezabyet" and Eлызабет would be pronounced "Yelizabyet", but neither is correct. I can't show you the way Russians write their version of your name, because I can't figure out how you got the Cyrillic letters, but they pronouce their version of 'Elizabeth' "Yeleezavyeta" (as you can see, a 'v' sound rather than a 'b').
PM me if you can show me how to Cyrillic up my writing.
Thanks, I know it's pronounced differently. I can't help with the Cyrillic letters, my computer came with them....
Well, if you posted a set, I could cut & paste them to show you - in fact, you've already provided me with all but one that I'd need - it's a lower case letter, but looks like our upper case B.