mimart wrote:
I'm trying to determine the correct punctiation to use if I want to split a sentence. The first half of sentence is a paragraph heading introducing a website; the second half is the first line of the paragraph underneath. Here is the sentence: "Welcome to (name of website), where man's oldest tool never looked so good!". I feel like I should be adding punctiation, but I'm not sure. Also, do I capitalize the second part of sentence since it begins a paragraph? Thanks.
If you mean the first half of the sentence is the part up to the comma, that is, "Welcome to (name of website)", and this is to be the heading above a paragraph, then perhaps you could do something like this
Welcome to OldestTool.com
Man's oldest tool never looked so good! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida arcu ut nibh laoreet faucibus. Proin imperdiet feugiat mauris at laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris imperdiet lectus vel iaculis egestas. Etiam gravida lacus elementum ex porttitor elementum. Pellentesque at accumsan lectus, a feugiat lectus. Fusce aliquet laoreet quam sed venenatis. Sed a aliquet sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat felis sed nibh venenatis facilisis. Vestibulum venenatis, neque pretium tempus feugiat, sem dui tempor elit, id sollicitudin erat justo eu enim. Donec vitae placerat ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque eget vulputate elit, vel placerat ex. Nunc sit amet nunc velit.