<<I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes.. did i do more then one sentance? 'whimper' sorry

Liz exclaimed " White diamonds is TEMPORARY when you use it topically you idiot! You are not supposed to eat it"
Micheal was silent, deciding not to tell he'd used it as an enema, but smiled, realizing since the deed, his **** did, indeed, not stink.
In fact , he had silently contemplated patenting his new anal fragrance...." White Micheal".
"My new fragrance is all about the kids", Michael said, without his lawyer present.
He thought for a moment and quickly changed the name to almost but not quite white Michael
Suddenly O.J. Simpson came running into the room and leapt onto Liz's head, brandishing a meat cleaver and shouting "I'LL KILL YOU, WHITE DEVIL WOMAN!!!"
He knew he would get away with it since if the glove don't fit you must acquit.
Geragos said OJ would probably not do time.
Johnny Cochrane had a brief South Park moment, and contemplated Chewbacca living on Endor as a defence.
But, since George Dubbyah would be presiding in the next court session , he figured he better not complicate things too much...no need for a hung jury .
Liz screamed, Michael cried, Elvis and the piano tuner jumped on O.J. to try to save Liz from certain death, and Liberace, oblivious to the crazy scene, began playing "It's now or Never" on the piano.
Liberace contented himself with thoughts of a hung jury.
His thoughts would have been productive if he could get his 'jury' to do anything BUT hang...
Meanwhile, Michael's disembodied "nose" grew longer and longer . . .
It was after midnight and 'the nose' knew he shouldnt be fed, but yet he crawled to the kitchen ( silly gremlin )
Michael turned to the piano tuner and asked him to play his favorite song; the strains of Itsy Bitsy Spider drifted out the open window to the crowd that had gathered outside.
They chanted, "MICHAEL, MICHAEL, MICHAEL", as the papparazzi arrived en masse to film the craziness that they knew they'd find here at the Neverland ranch.
OMG," cried Michael, as the Sheriff pulled up in his cruiser and served him with another warrant for his arrest. "That's the tenth one this week! I'm already out on bail for $100,000,000,000,000 bond!"
The enraged crowd of fans swarmed on the sheriff's cruiser, hauledl him out of the car, pulled down his pants and spanked his bottom.