WBYeats wrote:A thing could be uncertain. A person seems not able to be so in this case.
Both are possible.
1. If people are in doubt about something then they are feeling uncertain about that thing.
I am in doubt about John's plan to become rich. (I am not sure his plan will work.)
Oxford Dictionaries:
in doubt
Feeling uncertain about something: by the age of 14 he was in no doubt about his career aims
Example sentences
She said anyone in doubt should consult a GP who had the charts showing height and weight and what are the healthy limits.
Anyone in doubt about the sensitivity of land matters needs only to look across our southern border.
2. If a thing is in doubt then it is open to question.
The plan to build a bridge is in doubt. (The bridge might not be built.)
The success of the system is in doubt. (The system might not succeed.)
Oxford Dictionaries:
in doubt
Open to question: the outcome is no longer in doubt
example sentences
Now the fairness of the pools questionnaire is in doubt before it has left the printers.
An American would ask: if you were going to leave in doubt the question of who's better, why did you play the game?
Throughout her career, her commitment was never in doubt and her courage beyond question.