Tranquility is just what I have today - unlike last night when we gathered with friends and children and had a mighty good time together eating, talking and watching fireworks. A good time was had by all!
All or nothing is the way my life goes. Today it is all work so I have to dash.
Dash away, Eve. Hope work goes well. I refuse to do any real work today!
Today is all done now. So, I'll now leave to watch an old Ronald Colman movie on TCM called Lost Horizon, and wish all a pleasant evening.
Raggie, have a good evening and sweet sleep! I'm going to have supper ready in a bit!
Bit of a rush, I'm in! I've just been asked to translate an awful Jacobean play into French!
French? Not a very popular topic in my office today, as you may imagine. Although Jacobean plays may be a favourite topic of Arsene Wenger.
Wenger, or other players, have little relevance to me. I fail to understand why a loss at football should mean that a riot's realized.
(I must get back to the toil; I'll be back Here, soon, hopefully.)
Realised what you were talking about immediately. Denmark and Italy have just drawn, nil all.
All the world's a stage. It leaves splinters in my foot.
Is Foot and Mouth disease the same thing as Anthrax? That is the question.
Question and Answer sessions on the European Parliament are quite boring. Almost as bad as endless football.
Football is boring. American football especially.
Especially antagonistic toward football are Clary and Feolola today. I personally find golf a most boring sport to watch.
Watch is a term used for a small wristclock. I wonder what time it is...
Is it 8pm-ish where you are? It is here!
(and welcome to you - giantpiazza31)
Here it is 3 pm. But it is Tuesday, not Monday.
my how time flies when you are in a coma.
most flies move far too fast to time!