Fri 28 May, 2004 08:35 pm
I'm not sure if this game's gonna work, but I figured I'd try it.
It's very simple. Just write two sentences, starting with the last word on the post above you. They don't have to relate to each other.
For instance:
Post: I'm itchy. I really feel like SHAVING.
Reply: Shaving my cat? Yeah, that's tough, but not as tough as mounting a PONY.
Okay, here's the first one.
I just finished a great pizza. Now I think I'll watch some TELEVISION.
Television really bores me. I would much rather be on A2K.
A2k is a good distraction. When you're bored you can always play some kind of game with WORDS.
Words are fun to play with. The BeeGees even sang a song about THEM.
Them're some nice tomatoes lady. So shiny, red and PLUMP.
Plump sounds nice for tomatoes. But for people it is just a more polite way of saying FAT.
Fat, not me. I'm just 9inches to SMALL.
Small ice berg ...... which is too COLD
Evil are not nice. Nice is my beautiful wife.
Wife? No, that isn't my wife, but I can see how you might make that mistake.
Understood! Nobody would mistake me for my cousins - they are all MALES.
Males are truly the brighter of the two genders. Females just don't seem to have the same level of INTELLIGENCE.
Intelligence is not dependent on sex. In fact most people lose a lot of it during SEX!
Sex can be a very gratifying experience. Even gray-haired old men can enjoy it frequently now, thanks to VIAGRA.
Viagra is interesting. It's such a lovely shade of blue.
Blue eyed ladies don't seem to like me. I guess they just aren't interested in a dark-eyed, sexy Italian.
Italian men can be dangerous. They are nearly as appealing as Italian shoes.
Italian shoes are beautiful and feel great. Too bad they don't last longer.