Accountable politicians and civil servants are very important in a proper just society. And what are you up to this birthday weekend?
Me and my shadow? Well, let me be the first (or one of..) to wish you a Happy Birthday, drom-! My b-day is the end of this month.
Month of June is full of A2Kists' birthdays, is it not? Thank you, Dev; my birthday falls on the thirteenth: how about yours?
Yours? Oh, mine! Mine is the 30th.
30th June, makes you Cancer, doesn't it? Have you any plans on how you'll spend it?
It sure does make me a Cancer. Even though I don't put much stock in it I do seem to fit the profile. I'll probably be celebrating with my family. I've always loved b-days - birthday week! I have a niece whose b-day is 4 days before, and my sister is due with her 2nd child (a girl) on my birthday! I usually get dinner out w/ my hubby alone too. I should be pretty busy!
Busy is good; I can't not be occupied, even when I'm sick. I have a friend who was born on the same day of the same month in the same hospital, just he's a year older than me... and we like exactly she same things, which is unusual.
Unusual, yes, maybe even uncommon. But, I have a friend like that. Our birthdays are not the same. Hers is in September. We each have purchased the same item unbeknkownst to each other on more than one occasion. It's as if we were separated at birth!
Birth twins who were not twins, odd... Drom, do you get to celebrate your birthdays together, because if so, you would go to the ideal restaurant and the perfect after-dinner entertainment.
Entertainment together we usually do; but he's in Newfoundland at the moment, writing a book about Frasier. I don't know what's happening; but, Oh well.
Well, you will probably find someone who wants to celebrate this Sunday, won't you? There must be many at the university.
University colleagues? A few people asked me to come around and have dinner with their families, as if all I need is to be around brats; and, of course, there was the (instantaneously rejected) offer from our favourite man in the world, Carlo.
Carlo aka Vesuvio the famous fire-eater and sword-swallower? My uncle Ernie used to sell him paraffin.
Parafin lamps stay brighter longer. That is, if you can stand the smell.
Smell the roses the saying goes, but watch out for the thorns and bees! Ouch!
Ouch, out, damn spot! Roses pose in droves for our Drom.
Drom- is the birthday girl this week end. Let's all tip our glasses and wish her a wonderful one!
One to remember indeed. And many, many more to come.
Come to Ontario. We will all visit the hamburgers.