Chance, you think, governs everything? Would you disagree, then, that character is fate?
Fate finds you in the most familiar places, and just when you thought you had it all figured out.
Out comes the taxman to take all one's money. O, were we all nomads!
Nomads travel in packs and are unfavorable to those who don't.
Don't you all want to travel the world with me? Well, if this is too extreme, you can come visit in Armenia.
Armenia, what an interesting place to travel to! We went to see belly dancing in a Hollywood club with an Armenian friend.
Friend Drom, I exactly mirror your thoughts about nomads and the taxman. I aim to become as near a nomad as I can.
Can we learn to fold our tents like the Arabs and nomads and steal away as silently? Or do you think we would get caught in the act?
Act like a nomad, and you will begin to feel like one. Try walking to your fridge in the middle of the night without one creak of a door or floorboard, and without crashing into a chair or dislodging a plate of spaghetti.
Spaghetti snacking during the wee hours is so enjoyable, but can cause much pain, I must admit. I do hope nomads carry Pepto Bismol and Tums in their backpacks while roaming.
Roaming! One of my favorite activities! I even like hearing people talk about their roamings. Just today I talked to a woman who just visited London!
London, Ontario or London, England? I have been to neither, though I think I was near London, England, when I was in a large glassed in space for two hours, sneezing repeatedly, in Heathrow Airport.
i love to go web-surfing. i'll just google a site and keep going from link to link. amazing, all the information (useful?useless?) one can find. is it an addiction ? anyone else like doing it ? i also like to go to webcameras around the world; i guess it serves no particular purposes - just like to see people walking around all over this planet. hbg
Planet, what is this planet we are on? I do agree, hbg, on the thrill of seeing the world seemingly at once... it is what they called, for a while, mindblowing, to experience the live visuals of people walking around the planet.
Planet was used in the slogan of the Green Party that for some reason I voted for in yesterday's European parliamentary elections. Vote People, Vote Peace, Vote Planet, it said, but actually I didn't see that slogan until I had voted.
Voted for the Green party? I voted yesterday, but my vote went to the Lib Dems; it's about time society gave them a chance.
Chance is what they need. All my family is Lib Dem, a bro-in-law even stood as a candidate last time, in a safe Tory seat.
Seat in the House of Commons, I presume? I think that it would be far fairer if we had some sort of system of proportional representation, don't you?
You know, I have always thought that. And one of my best ideas is replacing the house of Lords with a randomly selected hundred pensioners, a real senate - with an opt-out clause for the disinclined.
Disinclined people should not need to vote; but Blair is trying to install 'compulsory voting:' another way of gaining out of ignorance, I feel. I agree with you, we need more independents who have some backbone on issues like top-up fees; I found some things about the Chartists feeble, but I think that the idea of 'Annual Assemblies' on a set date every year would be an effective way of making statespeople more accountable.