Sowell is a prolific journalist who writes strictly for the right - and so there are people (like some here on this thread) who will jump to his praise precisely because he IS black. Which is a graphic illustration of using the "race card."
SCRAT wrote:
"Sure... I see you call white folks "hankyhead" all the time!"
What on earth do you mean by that? First, I would like to see you cite a source for Snood saying that. A real, actual source. Next, I would like to know what you meant by that crack?
Thomas was not chosen for any great skills or ability; most people know why he was picked, including the president who picked him. And it is no coincidence that Thomas clerked for Scalia. Thomas never had much respect from the beginning from another group of voters - women. Were Anita Hill to bring her case today, there would be no Justice Thomas.
Sorry, snood, I jumped on that one fast. I would, however, still like to see SCRAT's justification for any of it. Seems to me that his throwing in that gratuitous comment is trouble-making; rabble-rousing; and totally unnecssary.
Snood did use the expression to describe Thomas. This is evidence sure and clear that Snood is anti-black.
blatham wrote:mama
Snood did use the expression to describe Thomas. This is evidence sure and clear that Snood is anti-black.
Well, for heaven's sake, man, that has been painfully obvious from the start!
Soory, too late, you're busted, Boss . . .
But, I l-ooovve Black people!!! Some of my best friends and family members are black people! I'd vote for Colin Powell, and think he speaks well! I'd let my sister marry one! Hell, I work with two or three of 'em, and even have lunch with 'em sometimes!!!!
heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
Ah ye crack me up, Boss . . .
I'm totally serious!!!!!!
What's everybody laughing at?!? I wear 'FUBU' and "SEAN JEAN' brand clothes!!!! I watch BET everyday!!! I L-oooooove Soul Train!!!! I think Michael Jordan and Morgan Freeman are outstanding citizens!!!! Once, I drank after a black guy at a public water fountain!!!!
(whew! okay- think I got it out of my system)
A second poll published by USA Today, CNN and Gallup found that 56 percent of the public still considers that Iraq was worth going to war over. But that number represented a sharp decline of 17 percentage points from a high of 73 percent in mid-April. The same poll found that Bush's overall job rating still stands at a solid 61 percent, though lower than the 71 percent standing he had just six weeks ago.
The most recent poll results are naturally attracting unusual attention both because of growing perceptions in the media that Iraq could become a quagmire for the US military and because the November 2004 presidential campaign is essentially already under way.
While Bush presently holds a commanding lead over any challenger who is running for the Democratic nomination, his father, who emerged from the first Gulf War in the spring of 1991 with approval ratings approaching 90 percent, was handily defeated just 18 months later by the governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, a relative unknown at a comparable time in the election cycle.
"This bears the seeds of potential problems for the president down the road as he looks to re-election," Mark Rozell, a political scientist at Catholic University in Washington, told USA Today. As far as the benefits accrued by Bush from the war, "I think we're very likely on a downward slope," said Kull. "Between now and the elections, it will probably only erode in value."
Dys -- The following just turned up in my email:
"Powers above the White House are deciding that it's time for the Bush gang to go. As a Watergate-style take down is being meticulously put into place, the question is not whether the Bush Administration will be removed before or after the 2004 election. The important questions are whether Bush's successor will address 9/11, Peak Oil, civil liberties, or any of the critical issues. What is being done even now to control the challengers in the Presidential election? A clandestine drama is unfolding and we'll help you understand it. This special free series is a must-read going into 2004."
[And wait! there's more! for an additional $19.95 we'll send you...!]
Hilarious, absolutely hilarious! You coloreds crack me up!
Dys - With a concerted effort and a bit of luck the media may be able to spin this into something troublesome for Bush.
blatham wrote:snood
Hilarious, absolutely hilarious! You coloreds crack me up!
who the hell you callin colored, Kemo Sabe?
Ok...sorry...alternately tinted.
Damn - I forgot you were one of them Canada folks - different perception of words.... it's cool.
blatham wrote:snood
Hilarious, absolutely hilarious! You coloreds crack me up!
Yes, Blatham, let's see if he'll tapdance for us. I just love it when they do that - you know, the rhythm and all...
I don't think he meant anything...