Who can argue with a dead ringer for Dennis the Menace who once governed a city deemed 'The Mistake By the Lake'?
PDiddie wrote:Who voted in the MoveOn.com primary? Who did you vote for?
(I voted for Wesley Clark.)
Al Gore. He won last time.

how true, but I still prefer you over Gore . . .
Alfred E Newman (what, me worry)
Wesley Clark? You wrote him in, didn't you? I voted for none of the above. Well, one on the right hand side.
Yeah, mama, on the left at 'other'; on the right, I marked 'any'.
slight digression, forgive me please:
Mama: I miss your blinking eye
I now return control of this thread to you all
I like Betty . . . good choice Ma . . .
Sweet - I change them. Searching for graphics has become my new hobby. Wait....
Me too, mama. Think I'm gonna change my avatar every day for awhile.
A fine sampling of opinion, Maple. Thank you.
Results from MoveOn primary tomorrow. Over 200,000 votes cast at last report. The freeps did their best to push-poll Sharpton, but that will be to no account.
PDiddie, you're going to have to go a long way to top your current one - it's grrrrreat :wink: !
Lot of criticism now about MoveOn. I sort of wish they hadn't chosen to endorse a candidate, nor conduct this poll in order to do so. It just doesn't feel right.
Does that one of yours bear any passing resemblance to the real thing, sweetie?
In a piece on NPR yesterday, it was stated that MoveOn's response to criticisms of their process and method was basically "tough titty" . . . it makes me uncomfortable as well, Ma . . .
PDiddie: Yes, 10 years and 10 pounds ago

I wrote MoveOn a long email explaining that they were not running a primary, they were running a poll, that is was WAY too early to endorse anybody, and that by doing so they might be marginalizing any influence they might have later.
I guess we've all been in touch with MoveOn -- I returned "Martin Sheen's" email with the plea to stick to the issues. Nor was I thrilled (at the big Dean bash on Monday night) with the Dean focus on getting MoveOn poll votes, but wrote myself off as naive.
MoveOn is becoming a very powerful force -- a group of kids (really) set it up and they've done a splendid job. We need to remember that they are our chance at getting the job done, at using the new tools as fully as possible. Must not relax and think they'll do it all for us.
Don't know how many here have been participating in MoveOn's policy forums, but they've certainly made this a populist, accessible movement. Those who haven't taken part in determining policy but stand back and criticize should bite their tongues...!
I cannot at all accept that final judgment of yours, Boss--policy will definitely not be determined by MoveOn or any such organization. The most which such an organization can accomplish is to elicit lip service; no candidate, from any party, makes policy decisions on any other basis than the agendae of those from whom they receive their closest and most constant support.