Once the first passionate pages of a new thread have been posted, it's often the tangents which are the most interesting. Setanta's right about the civilizing of the debate -- and it's almost impossible to concentrate on a specific series of issues in a thread such as this which springs from the events of each day, week. To satisfy ML's requirements, we might want to explore in passing (or have we and I missed it) Kucinich's confrontation of the Pentagon on the subject of Jessica Lynch's dubious rescue...
PDiddie wrote:Scrat wrote:But what is "it" called?
So to you, one who believes everything Bill Clinton did or does is evil is merely being perceptive?
partisan/partisanship, scrat.
A hated word. It is when you will say ANYTHING to deflect criticism of your preferred party. You won't admit wrongdoing of your preferred folkies, and you make yourself and everyone else sick dodging issues if they put your guy/girl in a bad light.
(Disclaimer: Of course, it has 'victims' on both sides.)
Scrat wrote:PDiddie wrote:Scrat wrote:But what is "it" called?
So to you, one who believes everything Bill Clinton did or does is evil is merely being perceptive?

Well, 'judgmental', since you put it that way...
Yes, this'll be my third attempt to return to the topic of the thread:
Quote:The Note has learned that Governor Dean has some pretty special hosts for his fundaiser tonight. Break out the lemonade, the salad dressing, and the salsa: Democratic stalwarts Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman are holding this event for Dr. Dean. While it isn't clear if this represents an official endorsement, that lovely couple can raise some serious money. But Dean isn't the only candidate coupling with some prominent names today.
Political sources in Washington and New York tell The Note that Senator Kerry will publicly garner the endorsement of Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields today at his event in Gotham City.
Roll Call 's Mark Preston has Senator Ted Kennedy predicting Dick Gephardt's departure from the race for the White House and much of the Congressman's Hill support going to Kennedy's candidate, John Kerry.
"'We have had a meeting and the House Members are trying to work, our Massachusetts group [is] working [colleagues], but a lot of them are pulling toward Gephardt,' Kennedy said at a meeting with Roll Call reporters and editors. 'But I think after Gephardt moves on out, I think John is going to be in a strong position.'"
"A senior Gephardt presidential aide shook off Kennedy's remark."
ABCNews.com's The Note
I'll betcha Kennedy regrets having to back his home state colleague. When you look at Kennedy's politics and Dean's (healthcare, war), they're much closer, aren't they PDiddie?
Sorry, Tarty, every time I look at your avatar now I'll be thinking, "Rat Patrol"... :wink:
Yes, I think you are correct about their agreements but Kennedy is going to support his homie. He's also establishment (Kennedy and Kerry both for that matter).
Kerry's got the dough to run and win.
It ought to be a two-horse race shortly--Kerry and someone. Dean? Graham? Lieberman? From what I've read Carol Mosely-Braun may be out as soon as next week.
The pressure's already on to winnow the field and focus on Bush and his foibles.
Well as a Liberal whacko, i can only say that life will difficult for all of you when we realize the goals of our plan . . .
Quote:Too many liberals actually are elitist snobs who think well in abstracts but not too kindly when dealing with fellow human beings face-to-face; wish something could be done about that because we don't stand any chance of bringing anyone simply conservative to our way of thinking by condescension or belittling educational level, etc.
This merited being repeated.
You are 1000% correct in your assessment, sweet.
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him wear a swimming suit.
maxsdadeo wrote:Quote:. . . because we don't stand any chance of bringing anyone simply conservative to our way of thinking by condescension or belittling educational level, etc.
This merited being repeated.
You are 1000% correct in your assessment, sweet.
Your kindness (unusual, for this site, anyway) is appreciated more than you know!
<waiting for the libs to sandbag sc>
dyslexia wrote:you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him wear a swimming suit.
Yes, Dys, but, if your proverbial horse comes to the water, you'd be surprised how they'll listen to you if you're kind rather than using a riding crop the entire time.
Sofia, how churlish of you . . .
Sofia wrote:<waiting for the libs to sandbag sc>
it didn't take too long for Setanta to begin the onslaught - can you feel me steeling myself for the attacks
BTW, thanks, Sofia . . .
Well, Sweetcomplication, consider this a personally directed attack which has nothing to do with politicals--you don't have a bloody clue what sort of exhanges Sofia and i have had with one another, so you show your cluelessness by characterizing what i posted as an attack (or perhaps as "sandbagging), it certainly is no onslaught. But, given that you slipped the clutch on your typing fingers before having engaged your brain, this misdirected characterization doesn't surprise me . . .
sweetcomplication wrote:dyslexia wrote:you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him wear a swimming suit.
Yes, Dys, but, if your proverbial horse comes to the water, you'd be surprised how they'll listen to you if you're kind rather than using a riding crop the entire time.
my statement, and if you check with Sofia you might verify, is directed equally at all horses regardless of political leanings.
well, thank you, Dys and Setanta, for puttin' me in my place, massahs; just as long as it wasn't political and only personal, what the hell, right?
Quote:condescension or belittling educational level
Quote:But, given that you slipped the clutch on your typing fingers before having engaged your brain
Goodness gracious, sweet, you're psychic!!!!
The point, Sweetcomplication, is that you jumped to a conclusion about what the meaning of my post, addressed to Sofia, was, absent the certain knowledge of my intent. Therefore, having characterized me in a slighting manner, i feel perfectly entitled to return the compliment.