Fishin' -- You could be right after all! His ol' buddies may not be as willing to support "four more years," from the sound of this:
Wednesday, March 5, 2003; David Broder:
From the heart of the business establishment comes a statement criticizing and rejecting the Bush tax cuts -- a stunning repudiation of the president's fundamental economic strategy delivered by the very corporate leaders who make the investment decisions on which recovery and growth turn....
"All told, the new budget proposals, if enacted, would raise the 10-year deficit by about $2.7 trillion and annual deficits 10 years from now by about $500 billion," the report says. And none of this, by the way, factors in the costs of a possible war with Iraq and its aftermath....Deficits of this scale, over that many years, would spell economic peril at any time, the business executives say, because they reduce the pool of national savings, diminish needed investments and make us more dependent on foreign creditors.... Over the decades ahead, considering the demands of an aging population, the threat of terrorism and the growing international obligations of the United States, the Committee for Economic Development says it is "extremely unlikely that the long-term budget problem can be solved without additional revenues. We therefore urge the administration and Congress to forgo at this time any additional tax reductions," including any move to make permanent the tax cuts passed in the make-believe atmosphere of projected budget surpluses in 2001.It is a sobering message and, considering the source, not one to be ignored.
But Bush is still going to leave us with one awful mess, even if he's yanked out of the White House PDQ...