Here's a little grab-bag of updates:
U.S. Sen. Bob Graham -- recovering quietly from heart surgery at his daughter's suburban Virginia home -- is expected to know by the end of this month whether he will seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency, a close associate said Tuesday.
"It wasn't too long ago that Dean was the Rodney Dangerfield of the Democratic race, the long-shot candidate from a minuscule state who didn't get much respect. But all that is changing fast, largely because of Democratic doubts about war. As Iowa party Chairman Gordon Fischer, who is neutral in the presidential race, put it Monday: 'I can see Dean winning the Iowa caucuses. He's as much a player here as anybody.'"
Democrats must "break the bubble" of public support President Bush enjoys on foreign policy if they hope to win in 2004, and Sen. John Kerry has the best chance of doing that, says the AFL-CIO's political chairman, Gerald McEntee.
Democrats say former NATO commander Wesley Clark has expressed interest in running for president and the AFL-CIO's political chairman says he expects Clark to announce he's in the Democratic race in about three weeks.
But Clark restated his position Wednesday that he has nothing planned.