As a parent, I might be able to withstand a difficult situation that relates to myself. It is much harder to put my kids in a difficult situation.
Quote:Is the lesbianism is an issue, I think there's more likely a chance in town with a population of 400 with no blacks, that there are more gay people than biracial people
Agreed. After reading the article, it's difficult not to conclude the problem lay more with the parent(s), Jennifer Cramblett, and possibly her partner than the beautiful little bi-racial child. Cramblett, being Gay, probably perceives more about her neighborhood and how they will react, since she possibly experienced discrimination growing up there. And yet, it's almost difficult to imagine the child not fitting in at such a young age, unless it's a neighborhood of totally closed-minded bigots. Cramblett, herself, growing up in such a lilly white neighborhood minus blacks, just possibly might view non-whites through stereotypical lens and is now conflicted even though she swears unconditional love for her child. If one place a mixed race child among children their own age they will integrate, growing through all the grades together accepting said child as one of them and will be protective. It is usually the parents who makes the racial distinction stand out. It's unbelievable that the problem might lay with the child blending in but more with the "unnecessary" fear inherent in the parent and possibly the neighborhood she feels she understand so well. Then, again, by suing the company who made the mistake, Cramblett stands a chance of winning thousands of dollars.
No one here is focusing on the negligence of the company.
A Sperm Bank is in the business in creating children. This is very emotional activity. They should be very, very careful in what is a deeply personal process. Women, in general, choose the genetic father of their babies. Normally physical traits of the genetic father play a part in with whom a woman chooses to have a baby. For the Sperm Bank to mess this up is a big deal.
The Sperm Bank has the responsibility to take care of their clients, and they should be held responsible when they don't meet basic standards of trust.
I wonder if she confirmed it was her egg.
You have to show "damages" in order to collect when suing.
The Sperm Bank has the responsibility to take care of their clients, and they should be held responsible when they don't meet basic standards of trust.
True statement. It seems (donor) 380 was read as (donor) 330 which is transparently the fault of the Sperm Bank. And they clearly should be held responsible for their mistake because real lives are affected here. If one's eyesight isn't 20/20 it's easy to misread a 3 for an 8. Maybe the company could give the parents enough money to relocate to a more diverse neighborhood. That would help immeasurably, especially since Cramblett now claims "emotional distress because her family and town are too racially intolerant for her to raise a mixed-race daughter in their midst.…"
Also, since race is such a cultural toxin in some American neighborhoods, perhaps the Sperm Bank should rearrange the way they set up their racial sperm donors so there will be no possible mixup in the future.
Baldimo wrote:
I don't get the "ongoing counseling and relocate to a more diverse community." They need to move to a more diverse community? What wrong with the community they are already living in?
They want to move to a more diverse community,in which they feel more comfortable . The women (on TV) appear to be white, the baby ( on TV) appears to be black. The" same sex" couple apparently wants to move to a community that has more same-sex white couples who also have black babies.
Where could this be?
maxdancona wrote:
Being the only person who looks like you is very difficult for a child....
I'm sorry that it was difficult for you. For me on the other hand ,it didn't bother me living in Chicago. I was white ( the only white kid during most of grades 1-8 ). I was happy, carefree and didn't care what people looked like or if they looked at me ( by the way no one looked at me..

The little girl from the "sperm mistake" is a real doll. The women should be very happy that they had such a beautiful and sweet little baby. If they don't want the child, I'm sure there are thousands of child-less couples who'd be delighted to adopt her.
The 2 women should forget the business of suing, grow up, and just be happy that the baby is perfectly happy and healthy.
The real problem with Cramblett et al, is that they are so worried about their sexuality and their own emotions about what others "will think", that they've forgotten about what the little girl will think when she hits the age of about 12-14 yr and reads ( online) that just perhaps, her homosexual white parents never wanted her "in first place"...
Where could this be?
New York City, my place of birth. NJ is also liberal despite the current corrupt Republican governor. One may observe many homosexual couples (especially men) in NY who have adopted black children. New York City is quite liberal with many diverse ethnic groups. A few doors down from me there is a white woman who adopted her African American daughter when the child was born. When I initially observed her pushing her very dark daughter in her pram, I was curious, because her significant other is white, and he too took turns taking the child out for sun and fresh air. Eventually, I discovered through a colleague the white couple had deliberately sought out a black child to adopt. The child is now about 13 years old, a teenager, with black and white friends. My neighborhood is diversified and consists of people from all over the world attending the University....but there are many neighborhoods that are diverse with middle class blacks and middle class whites going about their lives without racial strife.
Quote: The" same sex" couple apparently wants to move to a community that has more same-sex white couples who also have black babies.
I do not believe your above statement to be an accurate one, besides it's not a realistic one. The "same sex" couple would like to move to a diverse community where there is no implicit question of race. I doubt sincerely if they will find a community with "more same sex couples who also have black children." They are seeking a neighborhood that is not restrictive, where it is not predominantly white or predominately black, a community that is comprised of all peoples, and appear on the outside to be well-adjusted socially, comfortable with whoever their neighbor happen to be.
The two women actually don't have a case. In the past 10 years, several reports have surfaced , which demonstrated that black individuals can have white babies.
About 10 years ago,there was an Afro-American married couple, who had twins. It was obvious at birth, that one of the babies was black and one was white. The genotypes of the babies , when compared to those of the parents were identical, thus proving that the husband and wife were the real parents, although the phenotypes were markedly different. This case was covered extensively in the Press and on american TV.
Another example of this type of interplay between phenotypes and genotypes was again demonstrated a few years later.
Although rare, this type of situation does exist. While the phenotype of an individual may appear to be "white",although black, the latency or expression of a specific region of the genome at some point in fetal development may be the cause of this so-called whiteness.
While blame for the "mistake" has been placed on the sperm donor, it's just as likely, that the egg donor, who appears to be white, has a significant genomic
nucleotide region that could be called "black", that caused the baby to be phenotypically black, while being genotypically ( for the most part) black.
In the case of twins, one white and the other black, I'd have to speculate that fine-tuned genomic analysis would reveal striking differences between the genotypes of the two babies.
maxdancona wrote:
A Sperm Bank is in the business in creating children.
The sperm bank never creates children! Only God can do this. The sperm people are merely technicians, who ensure that at least one viable sperm cell penetrates the egg and induces fertilization of the ovum.
Very few people are 100% black or 100% white
The story of a baby coming out a surprising colour isn't the first of its kind - there have been many examples of children being born a different colour to their parents.
One of the saddest - and most famous - stories is that of Sandra Laing. Sandra is a black-skinned woman who was born to white parents in apartheid South Africa and forced to leave home at the age of ten.
People have also had children who have differently-coloured skin to their siblings. In 2005, Kylee Hodgson and Remi Horder had twin girls - one black and one white.
hawkeye10 wrote:
... this family figured out a way to get someone else to pay to get them to greener pasture, that was the likely goal.
They won't get a cent. A first year Law Student will nail them to a cross!
" Jennifer Cramblett and her same-sex partner, Amanda Zinkon, learned that Cramblett had been inseminated with the wrong sperm, and that the donor was of a different race."
1. How can you tell the "right sperm" from the "wrong sperm"?
2. How did they know the donor was "of a different race"? Guess they didn't know that "white men" can make "black babies"!

Are you ******* kidding me Miller?
Did you read the story?
And you're supposed to be in the medical profession, at least from the way you talk.
How to you tell the "right" dialyzer from the "wrong" dialyzer?
Oh, maybe because the sperm the women wanted was labled 330, which belonged to a white, blond, blue eyed male, and 380, which is what they got, didn't.
There's a little something called labeling the specimens.
Miller wrote:
maxdancona wrote:
A Sperm Bank is in the business in creating children.
The sperm bank never creates children! Only God can do this. The sperm people are merely technicians, who ensure that at least one viable sperm cell penetrates the egg and induces fertilization of the ovum.
You've really gone off the deep end now.
Maybe the techs should just dip into a bucket of sperm with a ladle, and let God pick out which one will make it.
Quote:1. How can you tell the "right sperm" from the "wrong sperm"?
When individuals donate sperm they fill out forms and on these forms the question of "race" is asked and usually answered.
Quote:2. How did they know the donor was "of a different race"?
Because it is indicated in the file of each sperm donor. Sperm from different ethnic groups are not mixed together. There are African Americans who want a black baby and vice versa. Every care is given to make sure sperm from different group donors are not mixed up. Unfortunately, humans are not perfect and the misreading of the sperm donor's number merely reflect this human flaw.
Quote:Guess they didn't know that "white men" can make "black babies"! )
I don't know if you're being facetious by your above question or just plainly not aware, but I will answer your question as if you are sincere.
White men as a general rule cannot produce black babies. He would need a black female to do this or somewhere in his DNA there is a recessed black gene from earlier miscegenation of the "races."
I place "race" in parentheses because in reality there is only one race and that is Homo Sapiens, the animal species Man. Many people use ethnicity in the place of race but for traditional perspicuity "race" is more often used.
Thank you, but I've already explained everything, that needs to be explained. I suggest you re-read what I posted and where I ask a question, it's not because I don't know the answer, it's because I want the reader(s) to focus on the important issues of the post.
Stay clamn and re-read everything, for your own information. Please do not jump to any conclusions, based on what you thought I said, or based on what the authors of several papers had to say on the subject.
I hope I've clarified the issue of "the albino".