I think this woman's stress about having to travel some distance to get her child a proper haircut reflects her general distress that her child won't fit in in that community--not socially or in the school. But it also is a reminder of the sort of thing she wouldn't have to do if the child were white--as she is--and as she wanted.
We should stop pretending we live in a harmonious diverse country. It may be diverse, but racism is alive and well. That child will be subjected to more prejudice than if she were white, and she will feel different if there are no other children or adults who look like her, and that will likely cause her parents to have to make all sorts of accommodations for her benefit--like moving elsewhere. Our bi-racial President has been insulted with all sorts of vile racist comments and images, so it shouldn't surprise anyone to think the same might happen to a little girl in a tiny lily white rural town. The mother, who grew up in that town, never met any black people until she went to college.
I don't find any of this woman's distress hard to understand. Having a baby of a color other than what you planned for, and arranged for, would jolt and shock any couples, whether heterosexual or homosexual. Very few women, I would imagine, walk into a sperm bank and say, "Surprise me."
Problem is, the law provides no good remedies for cases like these, with sperm mix-ups. You can't return the child or exchange it, and, as long as the child is healthy, the courts tend to rule there is no injury to the parents. But, I think it's hard to see where there isn't emotional injury done when you conceive and carry a child that turns out to be a different color than the one you thought you were giving birth to. Not only did the sperm bank mix up the sperm, they didn't let her know about it until she was in her second trimester. Had they let her know in a much more timely fashion, she could have had the option of terminating the pregnancy.
And, if anything, a same sex couple already possibly dealing with bias, because of their sexual orientation, might suffer even more distress because of the introduction of racial factors in their lives. Whatever social difficulties or stresses they had before, this sperm mix-up would compound, particularly in the area they're living in now.