"The term sexual assault should be reserve for far worst behaviors then a moment of ungentlemanly behaviors in the middle of consensus sex."
Okay, there's a cuple of things wrong here, first of all, sex isn't consensual just because the people involved is okay with it to start with, consent is an ongoing conversation, you should always be able to stop if you don't feel comfortable with whats going on. there's so many girls who don't truely know this.
Second of all I think we need to think about how we verbalise sexual assult, rape and consensual sex, and so many girls don't report rape because they're thought that it's their own fault, or because they don't think it was serious enough. As a society we need to make it okay to fell violetet, and to talk about it, and get the help you need.
Mabye the man in this scenario shouldn't go to prison, but he should know that his actions weren't okay and he should know that hé made a person feel violeted. I think there's is something wrong in a society where we repeatedly defend the assaulter instead of the victim..