Mon 22 Sep, 2014 12:04 pm
I am a 31 year old male that is pretty active on working out. I workout about once a day 5 days a week. My job position is sedentary as I sit behind a computer. I drink quite a bit of water/fluids every day almost a gallon due to working out etc. I have been worried that my restroom usage is really high, as sometimes I felt like I was going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. So I tracked my restroom activity for a week and here goes my results:
Average awake time: 17 hours
Average bathroom trips: 14
Highest amount of bathroom trips: 16
Least amount of bathroom trips: 12
Average Time Between visits: 69 minutes
Average longest time between visits: 3 Hrs. 45 min.
Longest overall time between visits: 4 Hrs. 34 min.
Average shortest time between visits: 23 min.
Shortest overall time between visits: 5 min.
Average cups of water/fluids: 22
Most cups of water/fluids: 25
Least cups of water/fluids: 19
70% of my fluids come from water. My question is this normal bathroom rate for someone my age, with my hydration amount or is this excessive?
You're probably fine (that's a lotta water, and it's gotta go
somewhere), but contact your doctor if it concerns you.
Most likely it has something to do with your SITTING all day. That pushes on the bladder, making you feel like you have to go all the time.
Try changing your work-day position (stand up for a while?)
Your doctor should check your fasting blood sugar just to be sure.
Thanks everyone who answered! I notice when I am at home and on my feet more that I use the restroom less. I appreciate the info!