Wed 17 Sep, 2014 10:16 pm
Why do ignorant people react to the intellectual people? If the ignorant people truly did not understand the intellectual people, the ignorant people would "ignore" the intellectual people, but they do not "ignore"; they "react"!
After 8 years of dealing with people who believe easily in gods, aliens, super powers, power, authority, being selfish, sex, ignorance, violence, religions, gangs and so on, instead of the possibility they are wrong... I can now tell you with absolute confidence in my heart, that the ignorant people react to me because being an intellectual person brings great shame upon them when they cannot see themselves in the the intellectual people; they react to me in the same way they react to their fears - "it's not me; it's you", but where do the fears emerge from, ignorant fellow? You. Self-humility is more often forced upon others, than it is embraced by them selves.
As you can see, everything people believe in the list above has something to do with "power" - something they do not have, because of their ignorance. Do notice how wise men do not believe in any of the things above - take careful note of this, and the people will quickly realize that it is them - that they do not want to climb; they want to crawl. People refuse to realize that life is difficult and the closer you get to the finish line, the harder it is to keep going, much like a climax because of the tension building up to the point you cannot take it any more.
And so, intellectual people, heed these words, and your pain dealing with the ignorant people should fade away.
To the ignorant people, heed these words, and your pain dealing with your selves should fade away, as long as you let go and realize that your life is not life - it's death; the same routine; the same thing years ago. Slightly changed, but at the core, you have never killed your old habits - take off the mask, and the Universe will take off its mask, so you can see each other eye to eye; mind to mind; life to life instead of lie to lie.
Wise men do not live like ignorant men. Remember that and you won't have to go through the layers of pain and misery I had to go through to come to that very conclusion. The wise men are doing it right - the ignorant men are doing it wrong; the wise change this world because they do not fear change in themselves, while the ignorant hold a changeable world back in fear of change.
The Universe evolved from Darkness < (Form) > Light ~ Us evolved from Ignorance < (Information) > Intelligence.
Not everyone can be ignorant, but everyone can be intelligent - intelligence is the apex of existential evolution. Imagine if everyone was intelligent, informed, collected, a minimalist; nobody would be ignorant! The Universe pushes people out of "Ignorance", but "fear" and "doubt" prevent them from transcending from it.
The best way to understand where the Universe's secrets lie, is to know the Universe first, as I have demonstrated via what people believe in compared to wise men, the difference between Ignorant and Intelligence according to the Universe, the reason why this Universe's "beauty" is rare and only comes every once in a while compared to all the "ugly" - just remember that beauty and the ugly can slip away from us at the same rate, so it's best to understand where the Universe is strong and where the Universe is weak: Ignorance, commitment, fear, hatred, darkness, routine, circular-logic, easily hurt, offended or manipulated, ignores anything that brings out a part of them they are ashamed of, lies, pride, selfish, belief, personal, opinion, hungry for life, power, arrogance, and anything else that you should already know doesn't do well for your transcendence, is weakness like "I" and "Us"; passion, love, communication, sacrifice, compromise, self-humility, content, calm, patient, omni-reverence (even piss and poo is appreciated), ideas, determination, truth, mutuality, minimalist, universal, live for "Information" & "Universe" is the Universe's transcendence.
@One Eyed Mind,
RATS! I hate it when I laugh while slugging a beer.
It's often tiresome when an ignorant person tells an intelligent person that they are a hypocrite, without consciously realizing the wise man is not a hypocrite; the projection of the ignorant man's character being seen through the wise man is based on their deflection, which in turn causes the wise man to appear a hypocrite to the ignorant man.