We all live in two worlds; reality and this society. We have to struggle between these two worlds everyday, so you must understand that on the outside you will have responsibilities that will not be your own because this society pushes us, while the Universe pulls us. It's a terrible feeling, but once you understand the things that push you and pull you, you start to find your own footing between this interplay of voracious deeds.
So let's separate the two worlds for each of your questions.
Reality: Your love life is much like the love life that happened on the Titanic (save for the ending, obviously). Life was turned into a toy by our rulers, as they create these systems and values as a standards way of living, and if you do not follow that standard, you're considering "not one of us", but you must ask yourself, "Why do I care about those who care more about themselves than they care for me? They don't want me to be happy - they want me to make them happy."
Society: You will need money, but as long as you have some, you can get by in life. Life will be hard, but you'll share it with somebody who isn't a machine or a rock that doesn't think, love, feel and relate to your emotions and your character.
P.S If you really love him, you wouldn't be questioning yourself, others questioning you, or "needing to use a guy for your experiment", just let go of your fears and let life take you. This society never cared about you, it's the enemy to our hearts and our minds, but alas we have to acknowledge its existence, as we must know our enemy. Live your life - living it in fear is not your life.