A warning bell on
Roe v. Wade
By Ellen Goodman, 1/19/2003
Here was a moment last month when the Bush administration overturned
Roe v. Wade. You may not have noticed because it happened in Bangkok - out of sight, out of media mind.
Our government went there to try to deep-six a UN agreement on family planning. After one of our delegates promoted abstinence-only education, after another warned of the risks of condoms, after a third shared her success story using the rhythm method, Assistant Secretary of State Gene Dewey took the podium. He said to the assembled: ''The United States supports the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.''
The ''United States''? Had he confused the USA with a right-to-life organization? Had he forgotten that abortion is legal in this country, protected by the Constitution?
From the outset, this administration gave the right wing domain over international family planning policy, as if the women of the world were their colony. And it paid no political price.
But after this moment, I wonder if the Bangkok drama was just a road show. Or was it an out-of-town preview for a play opening soon in our nation's capital?
Boston Globe